Thursday, August 06, 2009

Mmm.... clone.

Got to wondering today.

DM WHAT do you want? Well, I answered self .... lots of things. Then I realized that with how I have almost a 24'7 feed of inner dialogue on loop... what I really want is a clone.

Which DM would be the better DM? Would MockDM be cursed to repeat my path physically and mentally or would MockDM prove that my choices are what's ultimately fucked me up and not genetics at all. Having a clone would eliminate the need for inner dialogue as I could simply talk to myself without looking nearly as crazy and intrigued with whatever is going on in my brain that people can't hear. On the other hand, what if MockDM was way better and I felt the wild impulse to become Cain and get jealous. By murdering myself would it be suicide?

These are things drugs addicts and possibly really smart people sit around thinking about. Since I'm neither, I don't know.... but if a clone salesman comes to my door, I'm buyin.

Bringing me honestly to the next annoyance, and I'm aware that I am teetering on a see-saw of irrationality and patience above and beyond what is normal for me..... but, and none of my readers are guilty of this - so this is not aimed at you. I would really like people to but the fuck out of my vagina. Permanently. As in there is no locksmith that can ever reconfigure the lock sort of situation. I know that asking me about kids and shit every... I dunno, two days since I got my first period is fairly normal conversation for people but I can't be polite for much longer about the fact that I'm not having kids. We all know I say they do not fit into our lifestyle or aspirations, and they do not, BUT and here's the big ass polite BUT that these nonthinking mother fuckers don't even take a half second to grasp. You are going to look me dead in the eyes, pretend to know me, and ask such a stupid fucking question as reproduction. Then wonder why I'm staring at you like I saw a mutant mangled zebra, squint, smile with pursed lips and walk away.

So... sticking with the clone/genetics theme...... it occurs to absolutely no one that there is zero chance in the spinning cosmos that I would ever pass on my plethora of genetic fuckedness to a little human and sit on a hope that shit skips a generation? Why would I ever consider putting anyone through the shit I have and I'm only a hair over 30, I can only guess what fun is coming. I'm not taking it personally that no one has once considered that being part of my reasoning, it's no ones' fault that I don't offer up that sort of thing at dinner parties.

Fast forward to 4:40 for the clone portion if you want (the rest is funny too tho), NSFW but very funny, and my case in point.

- DM


Anonymous BLD said...

Maybe your clone could make the babies your extended family wants so badly. lol

You know how I feel about that...just point them out to me and I'll set them straight.

9:00 AM  

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