Here is my newest piece. Mr. Morgan has been giving me grief both for not drawing, and when I did, for it having no color. Sometimes I think he has not met or understood me, I lack color most of the times so the viewer can mentally create their own idea of shades. But ok, I AM capable of coloring a piece.
This piece is Highwayman. Please listen to the song of it below when viewing, it's the lore of a tragic story of a girl waiting for her love and they kill both she and him as she waited for him in the dark to come for her, light came and nothing good had happened. My take on looking on an aftermath version of a brave young woman who kills herself to alarm her lover of the danger he was returning to. That is what this fragment hope of art is about.

- DM
This piece is Highwayman. Please listen to the song of it below when viewing, it's the lore of a tragic story of a girl waiting for her love and they kill both she and him as she waited for him in the dark to come for her, light came and nothing good had happened. My take on looking on an aftermath version of a brave young woman who kills herself to alarm her lover of the danger he was returning to. That is what this fragment hope of art is about.

- DM
Very nice!
Thank you. Mister compared it to an older piece and said it wasn't as good, not thinking for one second how intentional art is. It was meant to be soft and the house draftish looking, it's kinda the point of the song, but he didn't listen to it, so had no reference.
I've always thought you were a superb artist, and appreciated your taste in music as well.
Again, I'm sorry for having been out of touch. I know that might not be worth much here, as a comment on your blog, but before you reem me once more for posting rather than emailing, I am very chagrined to admit that when I changed emails, I did not take yours with me. And it seems the one I thought I remembered is either not right or is no longer used by you; several variations I've tried have been sent back to me. If you've read this far without deleting this post, please read on; at least part of the reason I became so reclusive might be explained...
Over the past 3+ years I've been working on my own creative passion: writing novels. I moved to Michigan early 2007 and buried myself further (while buried in snow for two winters). Through 5 hand-written rough drafts, 2 finished manuscripts (one polished to satisfaction) and 2 more rough drafts in the works, I finally got up the nerve to publish volume one of my series. Granted, it's a Print On Demand outfit and available only online for now, and I would truly like to share it with you. If you're interested, please click on (or copy and paste)the following link:
Now, if you want to delete this post, I wouldn't hold it against you. I'm not trying to advertise on your blog, but I'm at a loss for other ways to give you the opportunity to at least see it.
On a personal note, it's rather poignant to me to be able to view one of your latest creations when I'm attempting to share one of mine. I haven't visited your blog in a while because I felt it was unfair for me to be able to get updates on your life when I had no real means to provide you with updates on mine. I am open to reconnecting, and if you are as well, I'll share my gmail addy one way or another.
Your B
Don't be a goose. dmorgan255@yahoo.com
I have some writings to share too. Michigan huh. You always were quite the roamer.
Your St. Ends
As lol ps - it's been a few years since we talked. Short of killing my cat or something, I don't stay mad forever. Transitional times in ones' life are to be understood, it's nice to know you didn't fall off a mountain.
Lovely drawring, Ms M, and good to see you back in the game.
Lovely drawring, Ms M, and good to see you back in the game.
I love when compliments are so passionate that they post twice /wink. <3
Is that Barroc? Man, what timing. Awesome piece, Sav.
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