Wednesday, September 13, 2006

If you like tea...

This actually topped the youtube entries this evening. Not to be a dick or anything but I've never watched the Balloon Races that seem to be world famous, 30 miles from my house. Something about dragging my ass out of bed at 3 am on a weekend to watch a fuck load of people take flight without any crash and burns doesn't appeal.

Now, if the races looked like the below video.... shit who needs acid and I'd never miss a year. But it doesn't.

It is said to be cool but just not my thing, I mean look at all those god damned people, swarming like balloon rats hoping for a sniff of the good shit. I dont see a Starbucks stand (not that I have ever purchased from there, I haven't, seriously, but I recognise that tired mother fuckers need juice) so while it looks like a volitile hot-ground for crazed caffeine wanting zombies, a riot never breaks out. So where is my motivation to get up that fucking early.

This is more my speed today. Anyone know the name of the piano playing nerdy kid? I'm a Linus fan, and digging on Pigpen as a second but fuck me if I can remember the boring blond boys' name. Help me out.

Holy Time beggineth tommorrow. That is all.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be Schroeder.

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They do sell coffee there, but also very strange shit for 6am like teriyaki sticks. wtf? unless I never went to bed how could I ever stomach a teriyaki stick at 6 am!! That said, I have both ridden and crewed at the balloon races and it is a marvelous experience. up in the air it is very very quiet...when the pilot fires it up, if you're unprepared, you practically jump right out of the basket.

11:56 AM  

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