Thursday, February 15, 2007

Pradaly as asshole......practically?

You think it's fucking funny Prada. I know you do. You sent me yet more shit to kill and grow a complex about. I'll let my shrink know where to send the bill.

They are rather cute. Mr. Morgan says Prada indicated they are blind. They blink a lot but are very scrambly. Honestly I'd scramble too even WITH sight if I was brought into this house. Bad luck boys, sorry, I didn't ask for ya so the lucky tab wasn't in the cards.

I've flopped them next to the ants, wondering if they have enough water, too much water, or water they just don't care for. The food given for them is... well it came in one of those packagings you'd fill with ketchup at any local eatery. It seems far too large for their tiny mouths. I think they sniff it (since blind.. though not convinced yet and if so..... why did you buy me the cancer turtles Prada???? Discount?) and they seem to hope it'll get smaller as it floats.

I personally do not think they are blind. They scramble anytime I lean over, and I lean quite silently. They are very in tune to sound and Francis likes to have his head pet. Or he's just coming up for air, I don't entirely know.

Tardy does little but hide and go all turtle like, sucking all limbs and head in, very jumpy that one. Not Francis, he's a squirmer. He will not stand to be handled in such a way and made a comment about picking on my own size. Below a little convo .... don't think I didn't freak the fuck about turtles to others, I mean unless you ask for a dead fish in your bed, should one be there?

D Morgan: turtles LIVE
D Morgan: on my fucking proch
D Morgan: porch
D Morgan: I adore the funny
D Morgan: but maaaaan
saffyrreb: WHAT!
saffyrreb: she gave you turtles???
D Morgan: I'm uploading the vid
saffyrreb: oh boy lolol
D Morgan: she did I think to be a bastard bout my xmas threat
saffyrreb: but didn't she get you ants?
D Morgan: yeah.... we're all in here
D Morgan: one big happy fam
saffyrreb: silly prada
D Morgan: Asshole prada.... who I would run from, but genious idea.
saffyrreb: rofl
D Morgan: can you believe they came in styofoam?
D Morgan: so
D Morgan: sp
D Morgan: one was about dead.... I flopped in water and he came to life
saffyrreb: what!!
D Morgan: he's very skittish though.
saffyrreb: styrofoam!
saffyrreb: how big?
D Morgan: no fuck... packed in those ... peanut things
D Morgan: they couldn't move much.
D Morgan: and I thought daaaamn ants re-visited.

It's my birthday!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heeee Heeee, Haaaa Haaaaa, giggle giggle, Pee my pants!

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think they are adorable! How fun.

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That middle island is for them to lay in the sun. They need it to get dry so they don't get shell rott.

2:21 PM  
Blogger Saffyrre said...

I think they're adorable too! I might have to get some for my step-mother for her birthday this year ;)

6:09 PM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

They don't go up there and sun doesn't live in this room. Shit. Look what you've done!

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they are cute. male & female?? maybe u could go into turtle farming.

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they are cute. male & female?? maybe u could go into turtle farming.

3:49 PM  

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