Ya HA! Marcheth on!
Ants. They came! But would they be alive this fetch? I gloved up in case they were because I'm done fucking around with dead ones.

ALIVE! My elation quickly changed into a reality of ..... "well, you got the fucking things you so begged for, now what?" And I admit to faltering and taking more than a few steps back to wonder if I had finally lost that marble named "sensibility". I let them pace in their tiny enclosure for a few minutes but as the cold of my mailbox wore off I saw them getting very spry, very fast and decided it was into the tank or the garbage.
We collectively decided (except for Simon, he gave me are one of those -are you fucking daft? looks and said "Ants? I'm out" and I haven't seen him since) that we would opt for the tank. It's fairly difficult to explain how they came out, many were attached to each other in confusion about the forced quarters, and some had been planning to flee. Two tried. I've named them Caught, and Busted.
I did however change my clothes soon after because I was getting those ghost itches that my brain screamed ONE GOT LOOSE! The rap sheet on my ants is unsettling, it reads that they are basically waiting to eat my entire family but ya know.... enjoy!

They are ... I don't know.... busy. They keep climbing towards the escape hatch instead of burrowing. Naturally MY ants would be fucking retarded. I will write back to the ant givers and express my gratitude of providing newer, far more ambitious ants to thoroughly creep me out. Truthfully, as much as I like a good project... who brings the insects INTO the house. On purpose. Paid for. All an odd concept. Prada.... hows my fly trap going?
For old times... WHO REMEMBERS THIS!!!!!
No word on my computer, it can't say I'll call and get crazy... the man has my hard drive, thus controls my balls. I need to be working on a website but Mr. Morgan's machine laughed and told me to get real. I'll sick an ant on it.
ps - dont' forget it's birthin-day weeks. I WANT those happy birthdays. Every day.

ALIVE! My elation quickly changed into a reality of ..... "well, you got the fucking things you so begged for, now what?" And I admit to faltering and taking more than a few steps back to wonder if I had finally lost that marble named "sensibility". I let them pace in their tiny enclosure for a few minutes but as the cold of my mailbox wore off I saw them getting very spry, very fast and decided it was into the tank or the garbage.
We collectively decided (except for Simon, he gave me are one of those -are you fucking daft? looks and said "Ants? I'm out" and I haven't seen him since) that we would opt for the tank. It's fairly difficult to explain how they came out, many were attached to each other in confusion about the forced quarters, and some had been planning to flee. Two tried. I've named them Caught, and Busted.
I did however change my clothes soon after because I was getting those ghost itches that my brain screamed ONE GOT LOOSE! The rap sheet on my ants is unsettling, it reads that they are basically waiting to eat my entire family but ya know.... enjoy!

They are ... I don't know.... busy. They keep climbing towards the escape hatch instead of burrowing. Naturally MY ants would be fucking retarded. I will write back to the ant givers and express my gratitude of providing newer, far more ambitious ants to thoroughly creep me out. Truthfully, as much as I like a good project... who brings the insects INTO the house. On purpose. Paid for. All an odd concept. Prada.... hows my fly trap going?
For old times... WHO REMEMBERS THIS!!!!!
No word on my computer, it can't say I'll call and get crazy... the man has my hard drive, thus controls my balls. I need to be working on a website but Mr. Morgan's machine laughed and told me to get real. I'll sick an ant on it.
ps - dont' forget it's birthin-day weeks. I WANT those happy birthdays. Every day.
thought the ants were supposed to go marching?
I've been reading your blog. I was supposed to be writing a paper but got bored and went blog surfing.
I'm left with questions...
What made you go blind in one eye? Why are you getting lumps and bumps? How did your appointment go with the Dr.?
Yes, I'm a very nosy person.
They were exceedingly busy last night. Almost too busy. I wonder where they expect to dig to? Kinda sad watching all their work when they aren't really going anywhere more fun than where they started. Makes me think of those New York scenes with all the people walking in a crazed mesh of nonsense.
To jacq - nothing like boredom to make people come my way. I have that effect I guess lol. I'm blind from being an idiot asshole with my contact lenses, combined with that faulty solution that was recalled. As a known letter writer, I even amazed myself at how fast I contacted the FDA. Lumps and bumps sounds much more fun than my terms - nasty, pain in the ass growths. Those are from a series of autoimmune diseases I have been blessed with. This is how I know I'm not going to heaven because god wants pretty people and leaves the uglies for satan.
And thanks for asking. I may in the future expand on those issues when I stop the self pity, but it's really rather depressing for myself and completely boring to those who read. It's counter-productive for a hypochondriac to go into "crying in my own soup" mode, so I come up with things to entertain myself, and hopefully some of you. What is the subject of the paper?
I love the Dean Martin ant! You should name one of yours after him. I think you may have the babies or young teenage ants. They haven't quite learned how they are supposed to colonize the farm. Give them some time. I'm sure they'll figure it out.
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! When is the actual day?
I heard about the lens solution. That sucks. Did they compensate you at all? Not sure what an eye gets you these days but you'd think they would do something.
Autoimmune sucks and I am familiar. I have some issues with that myself but it got a lot better when I went mainly vegetarian (I eat fish now and then) and mostly cut out dairy. Yes for some that is scarier than the disease. LOL
Venus Fly trap???? It looks like one of those weeds in your yard that is so close to the ground that you can't pull it up. There is no trapping of any sort. But I keep hoping.
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