Sunday, September 23, 2007

Week End Update

Decent weekend, feel free to tell me how yours was.

Mr. Morgan made my eyes sparkle in an odd way, when I said I was working on the wall mural... which it is really a doodle in my opinion. He came in cocked his head said it was good that I do something except portraits all the time, that he was happy to see me scrawling all the way up and on the ceiling. Who ever thought a doodle warranted praise. I remember them being madly complimented in high school for idle drawings, but that was too long ago to count unless I get so depressed I need a boost and have to go digging in a yearbook.

He even brought me a gaggle of sharpies because what I was working with lacked, and he saw my face wrenched in a "damn you sharpie!" sort of countenance. It's dizzying to work on the ceiling, but ... I guess I need to doodle on a giant level. In return he came and pelted me in the head all night with what we call "stink sock" because we are massively classy. I have no idea how he had so many, as I collect them weekly for the bath, but fuck if my head wasn't a target all night for it's funkistic wraith.

Mr. Morgan came home on Sat. from walmart smiling and said "if a girl was good, I have a spooktacular gift for her." I all but sat in the "praise Jesus" pose. It's a ghost on the move. Line the rope and he will pass back and forth, bitching as he goes. Score Mr. Morgan, I had it lined up from our ceiling fans within the hour, and it's a great prop.

Shit what else. We bowled earlier. I rolled a 82. Rock!! Blaming the ball the whole time for it's lack of spin. Nice little scapegoat when you know good and well you just suck. Lost my nerve a bit when the lady at the lane next to us went to comment on my suckness. Nicely... as Mr. Morgan claims. To me, don't comment on gutter balls unless they are your own, or in your party. Short of that, mind your own ball asshole, I am well aware of how I bowl, I didn't show up for a fucking tournament or commentary on how to be a professional.

LeedyBeat is feeling fine, I had a dream that shit was back last night.... ugh. We should be knowing the results of biopsy tomorrow. She hates us. ok ME, for the constant ear peeks... but what the fuck are we to do? Ignore it? I dream of the alien pod coming back, fuck you I'm checking.

I have much to share just pacing shit out. The Halloween chia head grow off is on a great start, waiting for Miss Nev before I can really report as her chia head arrived tardy.

Have I ever mentioned the turtles have not been buried? They are on a shelf in the garage in their box. Vote, do I open to see.... or just bury it?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote open...and maybe even a death shot for your army.

I got creative this weekend too! But rather than the ceiling, I took my doodles to a huge King Size sheet that my friend who has left this planet for better places started before her departure. One of these days I'll finish it, though my efforts this weekend were the first in about two years.

Incidentally, I have one of your doodles on my wall, and I love it.

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a doodle? Is it a bad one, and did you steal it?

I'll wait for the weigh in on turtles. -DM

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more about the bowling. When my friends and I go we always get put in a lane next to some crazy regulars who look on in mild amusement as we slam our balls into the gutter. We call them the glove people. They take the game far too seriously in my opinion and are way too judgmental towards people who just come to have fun.

I vote no on the turtles. Bury them and be done with it... If you do open it you should take pics though. I imagine it will smell pretty bad so if you do open it bring some kind of a mask and snap those shots fast... >_>

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My vote is to open and picture take!! But did you expect any other answer from me? The real question....why so long in the garage? My second vote is not to bury them, do something "creative".

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree on the bowling. Just because some people are pro bowler tour wannabes doesn't mean we all are. My solution is usually to mock them mercilessly....I am a greate impressionist!

I vote bury them. I believe it to be the only decent thing to do. I'm imagining how Franklin (the children's book turtle) would feel.

Regarding the Vampire Chia Head (I've named him Vlad), he is sprouted and looking sparsely green and whispy! Sometime this week, I'll bring in my camera and post a picture.

1:45 PM  

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