Let's Talk Shop
For edification.
I was once pre-med on a hopper level. A co-worker recently said she didn't know this and my mouth dropped open and I made a face I hope to never repeat. Who the fuck doesn't know that with cash and the proper channels I wasn't going full throttle MD? My boss almost didn't hire me because of it. Not being pre-med but being all about going and half being that direction. I dropped it when I married Mr. Morgan because of the time, the residency, the lack of being what he needed..... something that would not fit into his idea of marriage.
Oh a la choices.
I picked him. I do not regret it, but there are times my eyes bulge out of my skull and I want nothign more than to be in that lab poking shit. In the last few years I suppose I have made the right choice, with obvious malformations in my hands (never said I planned to be a surgeon) I'm not even steady enough anymore to draw blood. Yes, it's crushing, even when you've resigned yourself to it, but... choices. Like I said. Life dream, or the person that if you pass up.... you made a bigger mistake, who was a life partner.
Don't you hate picking and chosing? I wanted to clarify that, I know I represent myself as a desk jockey, and I am, but above is why. I could have done the shit, and had everything planned on how to piggyback my way into it. Pathology my friends. It comes down some not unlike a dum-waiter (sp) with the item on it to peek at for cancer, this is mid surgery so we know if it's malignant or not. I am/was all about it.
Mr. Morgan never once would have stopped me. I made the choice. I would'nt be home enough for his needs, and it's not that he needs a home wife.... but one gone for days overnight, no, he wouldn't be ok with that. And he doesn't get to know I made that personnal sacrifice. I was fine with it until I met him myself. Working hours on end, give it to me! (long as not at a desk). I do not want him to know I tossed that for him, and it was a reality, he can just smile, hope my hands are ok and be thankful for laundry. He doesn't need to know that I feel I tossed my entire life goal, because ya know.... he's THAT fucking special. Do I get upset? Almost daily. He is fucking worth it, god damn him. But yes co-worker, when I started at this job I did have pre-med plans and I am smarter than you think, medically. Sometimes you take a bullet for the one you love. I took it, pulled it out and ate it.
I was once pre-med on a hopper level. A co-worker recently said she didn't know this and my mouth dropped open and I made a face I hope to never repeat. Who the fuck doesn't know that with cash and the proper channels I wasn't going full throttle MD? My boss almost didn't hire me because of it. Not being pre-med but being all about going and half being that direction. I dropped it when I married Mr. Morgan because of the time, the residency, the lack of being what he needed..... something that would not fit into his idea of marriage.
Oh a la choices.
I picked him. I do not regret it, but there are times my eyes bulge out of my skull and I want nothign more than to be in that lab poking shit. In the last few years I suppose I have made the right choice, with obvious malformations in my hands (never said I planned to be a surgeon) I'm not even steady enough anymore to draw blood. Yes, it's crushing, even when you've resigned yourself to it, but... choices. Like I said. Life dream, or the person that if you pass up.... you made a bigger mistake, who was a life partner.
Don't you hate picking and chosing? I wanted to clarify that, I know I represent myself as a desk jockey, and I am, but above is why. I could have done the shit, and had everything planned on how to piggyback my way into it. Pathology my friends. It comes down some not unlike a dum-waiter (sp) with the item on it to peek at for cancer, this is mid surgery so we know if it's malignant or not. I am/was all about it.
Mr. Morgan never once would have stopped me. I made the choice. I would'nt be home enough for his needs, and it's not that he needs a home wife.... but one gone for days overnight, no, he wouldn't be ok with that. And he doesn't get to know I made that personnal sacrifice. I was fine with it until I met him myself. Working hours on end, give it to me! (long as not at a desk). I do not want him to know I tossed that for him, and it was a reality, he can just smile, hope my hands are ok and be thankful for laundry. He doesn't need to know that I feel I tossed my entire life goal, because ya know.... he's THAT fucking special. Do I get upset? Almost daily. He is fucking worth it, god damn him. But yes co-worker, when I started at this job I did have pre-med plans and I am smarter than you think, medically. Sometimes you take a bullet for the one you love. I took it, pulled it out and ate it.
making choices can be tricky, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
I couldn't agree more. When she said that to me, or when anyone says "You were going to be a doctor???" - as if in shock, and it normally presents that way, I guess because fun people can't be smart, I do recoil and my countenance is clearly expressed with angry eyes and disdain. Want to pick my scab for me? I suppose I baffle that people claim to know me, and so don't.
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