Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween 08, The Great Depression

Ok my feet hurt. Not like a blister level of hurt, they actually have asked to be cut off. Why in the fucking world was Alice in the forest wearing such impractical footwear. Silly bitch, but I had to comply and honestly..... they are REALLY good shoes. They even smell like good shoes, as oppossed to my nasty "whatever fits" walking gear.

Lemme start with a couple of things. Much like the video I posted..... these little fuckers begging candy have been trained to get treats. Not only saying how pretty I looked, when they knew nothing about WHO I was, but going overkill on how great my decorations were. Let's agree to be bullshitting.

Do you know who Alice in Wonderland is?
Do I look like her?
I'm not sure. /dangles a package of sweetarts.... now are you sure?
Yes, yes I could be.

On the upside, many parents got my theme and it was more than appreciated. Emdond scared the living shit out of toddlers to teenagers and I smiled my gd ass off. We scored 8 cryers this year and one screamer. The poor child went into hysterics and wouldn't take candy from me if I was the last toostie roll on earth. Being Alice and not a complete dick, I went to a crawling stance so I could be on their level offering goodies, and cooing not to worry, he wouldn't hurt them. As for the teens.... I said stop poking Edmond, he doesn't like it, take this candy slice and get the fuck lost.

This Halloween was very skinny, except for the heaping pile of leftover candy. It had been raining but was no where as cold as previous years. The children normally flock in droves to the door, but not remotely as much this year. I called it quits after 4 hours - not including my set up time and a parent oogled our candy dish and said, wow you still have SO much. We left the dish outside for any takers and that damned thing was still full this morning. What's happened to the children!

I got some great costumes, and actually 3 dogs in costumes trick or treating. I thought it was was looking a little itchy about my noisy props and I reached slightly towards him then asked his parent if he was a friendly. Im not trying to bleed on my costume by forcing my hand into a strange dogs face. Plus he was a little fellow and they understandably are nervous by nature of living amongst giants.

For how meager is was, I had fun although still sleeping my life away and not being good on eating and stuff. I allowed myself one more day of being completely juvenille and I now I need to sack up and get back to work on.... getting back to work.

So while not as good as last year, I did what I could with what I had.



Blogger Saffyrre said...

Awesome video! Loved the music bits. That Jimmy Legs guy that crawls on the floor still gives me the creeps lol. Great buy on that one! Great jobs on your decorations!

PS Loved the picture of you being at the tea party with madhatter!

11:56 AM  
Blogger MissNev said...

Most wonderful! You did such a great job with both the video and the decorations. I loved the Off With Her Head torso!

11:14 AM  
Blogger Khadra said...

very nice!
I love the part where you ask for Obama votes!!

11:41 AM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

The torso lead Miss Nev was most appreciated. My favorite is the Tweedle and song.... too damned funny to me. Now if I can just get off my ass and put it all away!

Lol Khadra love, I had to insert a pointed song at the end to promote my agenda a little!!!

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dang, miss nev is a hottie

8:34 AM  
Blogger MissNev said...


1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The torso looked great! And wow all those costume changes for the poochies. Edmond too, but I'd say the big scare was Jimmy Legs aka The White Rabbit. creepy-licious!

lol, loved the Obama plug too.

8:43 AM  
Blogger Khadra said...

I tagged you scary lady :)

7:36 AM  

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