Friday, August 25, 2006

Well I think it's stupid

It’s Friday, less than an hour before I leave for the weekend, my stomach has a minimal amount of food in it – but what is in there is full og garlic goodness, and I still with extreme certainty say I am unhappy.

This job man, it’s fucking killing me. Actively sucking out my soul through my eyeballs without even letting me blink.

I tend to think it’s a good time to move on when you mention the prospect of getting a new job to coworkers and they calmly say “Okay.” then go back to their work or sucking on a cigarette. No need for subtlety right. I may have hurt some feeling today with my lack of being subtle, but that happens. The backlash I got for whatever was emailed to Bosslady after the incident makes me wish I would have thrown in vulgarities, as I was ….. scolded seems light. Let’s go with, I was yelled at and names were not used, the only name I heard was “do NOT lalalalalla my DAUGHTER.”

Daughter. Naw…. it’s all fair around here. I have been put on notice that I am never again to upset her daughter and things that go wrong are not to go outside the realm of Bosslady and Ms. DM-FuckUp Mistress. Bosslady and I seemingly get to share a nasty little abusive relationship all to ourselves, oooooooo fun! I am not sure if I want to puke, quit, both… or just go home and wave a finger to it all.

I would appreciate those working at my place of current employment be adult enough to look away, walk away, step back what fucking ever, and not make things worse for me by getting upset or thinking of being vindictive. C’mon I just started this blog over. I'm not mad at BLD, bothered by the system and reluctant to admit finally.... that I CANNOT... WIN.

I was also told in the same conversation that Bosslady does not appreciate that anything I hear…. “you run to the other side and talk about it.”

I am not sure that is entirely true since she follows me almost non-stop. And if I do…. So what. Human interaction is healthy, even if I don’t get to pick which humans.

Anyway, that’s all for now. Maybe something fun later. I can guarantee a 2006 Halloween prop in my yard honoring some of the workers here.



Blogger Saffyrre said...

Sav...listen to me...seriously...

You HAVE to get out of there! You have to for your own mental sake. You need a happier environment (okay at least sane?) so that you can concentrate on yourself and dealing with the physical crap that you have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. You can't have all this negativity surrounding you and be able to cope with everything else in your life.

The things that you tolerate from your boss are inexcusable. NO ONE should be able to get away with that kind of employee abuse these days. If I was called out due to an undesired work performance, that is one thing. Personal attacks is another. I could not imagine being treated that way by anyone in a superior position in my office.

Take the upper hand and find something pronto. You deserve to be in an environment that appreciates and honestly cares about you. Not one that has coworkers that pretend to have your best interests at heart and then tattle-tale on you every chance they get.

Love you Sav....want me to help you write your resume? =)

7:45 PM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

Love you more. We'll see I sure do want me my other week of paid vacation. Just need the bugs off my nuts. You are as ever, a dove, but don't put away the tire iron too soon. <3

8:42 PM  

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