Flappy Favors
For me. Me me me me.
Of course I got into it right off. And rules. Fucking rules. I am not prone to rule following, it's for the lemmings. A present a day for a month. I frowned. I am not Jewish.
Mr. Morgan, seeing THIS look in my eye upon opening, STOLE my box and hid it from me.
Flat stole it, but not before I was able to snag one box and sprint off with cheetah speed - meaning your ass is actually running ahead of the rest of you - as I screamed "MINE!" waving it above my head in triumph as I trotted away.
I must say it's a very cool gift, as well as idea. For me to stay out of packages for a month.... wow, clever torture. I rattled a good deal of them before they were confiscated and there are some interesting sounds coming out of some of those boxes. As it was taken from my hands don't think I didn't have to be dragged down the hallway, attached to one side of the box, growling and pleading my case.
The gift I made off with was a triplet of those soak and play washclothes. They arrive like vaccum sucked pellets and turn into cool stuff. Not only are they a long running favorite of mine, Mr. Morgan likes to watch too. We take turns poking it into it's washcloth adulthood then admire it.
I'll post each day what I open. I'm not supposed to start until December first, but what the fuck, is it an advent calendar? Lol, I will behave, as Mr. Morgan said, a lot of work and thought went into that. I suppose my greed can take a back seat there. It made my day. Thank you.
That is freaking AWESOME!
WOW mega cool !!!
That is the coolest thing!!!! Mr. Morgan needs to speak to Anthony and give him idea's. Enjoy opening all of them! xoxo
Look at how those boxes are placed in the big box! Totally tetris-ed in! Great job, Captain Quacker!
If it had been from Mr. Morgan or his idea, I would pass that request along. Rather, I have the pleasure of having some of the coolest, inventive friends on earth.
Lol on the tetris.... it seriously is. I meant to snag another last night as he showered but he put the box about 4 feet about my head. Totally wrong! Knows me too well.
Well tell those wonderful friends how unique and great they are, then tell them to talk to Anthony. I think I'm almost braindead today. I need to learn some reading comprehension skills. :P
Awesome, Anonymous! I've always wanted to know a place where I could make some nice extra cash secret shopping! I can't wait to check out your site! Thank you SOOOOOOOOOO much for wasting space in my friend's guestbook with your nonsense and TomFoolery!
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