I have not updated for a variety of reasons. I am simply not going to say what happened with me at the doctor, because if you cared, you'd have asked me. This blog is not here for silent voyeurism to watch me get sick and never say a word. I know people have life obligations, but two flicks on a keyboard make the difference between being full of shit and someone who genuinely cares. I've noted this carefully and I can see who visits my blog. So to all the sick fucks who like to read my life ups and downs without a care, I pray you find a better hobby. I am entirely done biting back on my anger. I am tired of acting that things are fine when they never are and most days I have pain that I lie about. I take my lot with a good deal of grace but it doesn't mean I appreciate leaches.
Get your nuts off enjoying my honesty. /dismissed.
That said.... there have been many there for me and concerned about my health. They like to hop. I like to hop. This is very much my song for my kindreds.
I would like to say my own mother was one of them. shes wasn't. That is crushing. I am rather reluctant to be too personal about how I feel on that.
In other news .... I watched some new videos of my adopted son Ediberto today. Nothing, and I mean nothing will stop any self pity faster than seeing your child happy and opening toys and clothing, grinning as if he'd hit the lottery. He pranced! He hopped! He got into mischief but made up for it, grown a lot! The world gets a lot bigger when you take in perspective. And don't even say it, it's not a scam. It's a tiny orphanage for really fucked up kids. Cerebral palsy, blind, deaf, Mexican parents don't often have funds to care for them and throw them away... so this small bunch of rascals - and they are wonderful little franks - have nothing. This isn't the Sally Feed the Children bullshit. I did my homework. It's been nothing but rewarding to me.
I am also full blow on the great Duck Mission of 2006. This will be probably the best thing I have done yet. I have several camera crews set up, ok..... 3 of us. But still. It's a dicey thing to pull off. Wait for that, it'll be good.
Get your nuts off enjoying my honesty. /dismissed.
That said.... there have been many there for me and concerned about my health. They like to hop. I like to hop. This is very much my song for my kindreds.
I would like to say my own mother was one of them. shes wasn't. That is crushing. I am rather reluctant to be too personal about how I feel on that.
In other news .... I watched some new videos of my adopted son Ediberto today. Nothing, and I mean nothing will stop any self pity faster than seeing your child happy and opening toys and clothing, grinning as if he'd hit the lottery. He pranced! He hopped! He got into mischief but made up for it, grown a lot! The world gets a lot bigger when you take in perspective. And don't even say it, it's not a scam. It's a tiny orphanage for really fucked up kids. Cerebral palsy, blind, deaf, Mexican parents don't often have funds to care for them and throw them away... so this small bunch of rascals - and they are wonderful little franks - have nothing. This isn't the Sally Feed the Children bullshit. I did my homework. It's been nothing but rewarding to me.
I am also full blow on the great Duck Mission of 2006. This will be probably the best thing I have done yet. I have several camera crews set up, ok..... 3 of us. But still. It's a dicey thing to pull off. Wait for that, it'll be good.
Well Frank that was a cool song and Beak up keep on flapping better weather is ahead.
I know Duckman... and keep your beak open, much to happen very soon in your honor.
Just when I get disgusted at the way things get so commercialized and greed and glutony seem to be the standard (this time of year in particular), it's nice to be reminded of the goodwill and humanity that resides in people (at least some people anyway). Kudos for your spirit, DM. You truly make a big difference.
If Ediberto ever sends me my past due fucking update -drums fingers on the checkbook- I'll show him off proper. Thanks for the kudo, I doubt I make that much of a difference. My level of being a pain in the ass ofsets that thing.
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