Since this IS DMorgans Zoo Revisited.... I hand picked a few older entries from this time last year. Still my theme song. I almost said I was ashamed to be fucked up as I am but then I thought of everyone I know and .... seriously who isn't on some level? Please play my theme song and read on. To get how this song applies to me, wins a cash prize, it was written for my sort, email me for the prize and why. Grin, serious.
Maaaaaaan... I just got duped into buying friggin Girl Scout Cookies. $3.50 a box! Shit for that much I expected the kid to do a fucking cartwheel or otherwise entertain me.
The Morgan house does not even eat cookies. Nor do we eat ice cream, cake or anything else most people consider indulging.
We do not eat chocolate. We occassionally eat candy, but that would be Mr. Morgan, my teeth are so screwed from previous years of eating sugar in copious amounts I rarely attempt it. Yeah, I know we are freaks but the damn kid was all shy and totally fucking up her little "buy my cookies" speach. It was half endearing and I won't lie.... I let her futz around, letting her cheeks get more and more red by the minute as I stared at her with a laser gaze. I knew what she wanted, but shit, if I'm gonna blow ten bucks for a box of shitty cookies no one in my house is going to eat, well then she was going to earn it.
Her dad was also a little scary himself. I think secretly he wants to be a girl scout and is living vicariously through his kid. He made it very clear that the goal sales were 1500 boxes, and that they were at 1200. He shot a look a the girl when he said 1500 that I swear said "that's 300 more boxes or you die!" I was scared he'd picket outside our office with signs saying "These bitches hate children!" so I signed my name faster than a kid going into the bathroom with his father's playboy.
Did I ever mention I stomped a bitch in walmart?
I did.
She needed it.
Let me explain. I have space issues.... I became physically agitated when strangers are too close to me.
Well I could feel this bitch's breath on my neck. I was cool for a bit tried to ya know.. like body shove her back.... no dice.
She was totally germy, hair lipped and being all gross behind me... eying the shit I was buying and what not. She was buying some bullshit tiny plants and fabric I think. I dont really know all I remember is that she was close enough to fuck me and I couldn't stand it. So I acted like I was reaching for something... and I stomped the hag.
I did it. I'd do it again.
She fucking howled. Holding her foot and what not. I didn't even bother to say sorry and instead greeted the cashier who... poor fuckers, I cant imagine how rude people are to them in Walmart. "Price check please... I saw it was 20 cents cheeper on the sticker in the isle." Gag... whateva!
Am I a total dick? I really feel I wasn't... though in retrospect I wish I'd have told her why she got stomped. Then maybe bitch would give a pimp some room to purchase bullsit I didnt need.
Watch out for the Walmart crazies eh? And yes, I mean myself.
Now let's get all sentimental with pictures of past... some I posted, some I don't remember if I did or not.
These contacts were quite a contraversy in their own right and I'll repost that in the future. Let's just suffice to say that I don't care what license hangs on your wall, I WILL get my fucking way.

And not because of the above lenses, but I watched... literally through my camera as I went blind in that eye. It happened very fast. In about 48 hours it was done. I have few redeeming features to myself. I'm not entirely that nice of a person, I'm demanding, and expect nothing short of everyone around me to read my mind. Physically, I lack anything close to a decent chest, I'm chicken-legged and my nose is a bit funny on certain days. My eyes however have always saved me and drawn attention. I have blinked my way into more favors than I can count so this really sucked and I was in massive panic.
The cloud you see below is my cornea shattered. It has healed enough to look normal now (thanking my god of vanity) but I cannot see much but refractions. I am glad I took the photos, I don't know why yet but someday I will. No don't think I'm not furious. Later for that.
Breathing perfection.
And garbage theives.
And just because it's a favorite of mine.... the giraffe feedings.

I will in time repost all the things that are attached to these photos, the eye thing, and how the kid in the photo above went to war with me over who was gonna feed them first and took a faceplant courtesy of my shoe. That's right, check the line order. Rawr!
Until later...
Maaaaaaan... I just got duped into buying friggin Girl Scout Cookies. $3.50 a box! Shit for that much I expected the kid to do a fucking cartwheel or otherwise entertain me.
The Morgan house does not even eat cookies. Nor do we eat ice cream, cake or anything else most people consider indulging.
We do not eat chocolate. We occassionally eat candy, but that would be Mr. Morgan, my teeth are so screwed from previous years of eating sugar in copious amounts I rarely attempt it. Yeah, I know we are freaks but the damn kid was all shy and totally fucking up her little "buy my cookies" speach. It was half endearing and I won't lie.... I let her futz around, letting her cheeks get more and more red by the minute as I stared at her with a laser gaze. I knew what she wanted, but shit, if I'm gonna blow ten bucks for a box of shitty cookies no one in my house is going to eat, well then she was going to earn it.
Her dad was also a little scary himself. I think secretly he wants to be a girl scout and is living vicariously through his kid. He made it very clear that the goal sales were 1500 boxes, and that they were at 1200. He shot a look a the girl when he said 1500 that I swear said "that's 300 more boxes or you die!" I was scared he'd picket outside our office with signs saying "These bitches hate children!" so I signed my name faster than a kid going into the bathroom with his father's playboy.
Did I ever mention I stomped a bitch in walmart?
I did.
She needed it.
Let me explain. I have space issues.... I became physically agitated when strangers are too close to me.
Well I could feel this bitch's breath on my neck. I was cool for a bit tried to ya know.. like body shove her back.... no dice.
She was totally germy, hair lipped and being all gross behind me... eying the shit I was buying and what not. She was buying some bullshit tiny plants and fabric I think. I dont really know all I remember is that she was close enough to fuck me and I couldn't stand it. So I acted like I was reaching for something... and I stomped the hag.
I did it. I'd do it again.
She fucking howled. Holding her foot and what not. I didn't even bother to say sorry and instead greeted the cashier who... poor fuckers, I cant imagine how rude people are to them in Walmart. "Price check please... I saw it was 20 cents cheeper on the sticker in the isle." Gag... whateva!
Am I a total dick? I really feel I wasn't... though in retrospect I wish I'd have told her why she got stomped. Then maybe bitch would give a pimp some room to purchase bullsit I didnt need.
Watch out for the Walmart crazies eh? And yes, I mean myself.
Now let's get all sentimental with pictures of past... some I posted, some I don't remember if I did or not.
These contacts were quite a contraversy in their own right and I'll repost that in the future. Let's just suffice to say that I don't care what license hangs on your wall, I WILL get my fucking way.

And not because of the above lenses, but I watched... literally through my camera as I went blind in that eye. It happened very fast. In about 48 hours it was done. I have few redeeming features to myself. I'm not entirely that nice of a person, I'm demanding, and expect nothing short of everyone around me to read my mind. Physically, I lack anything close to a decent chest, I'm chicken-legged and my nose is a bit funny on certain days. My eyes however have always saved me and drawn attention. I have blinked my way into more favors than I can count so this really sucked and I was in massive panic.

And just because it's a favorite of mine.... the giraffe feedings.

Until later...
I LOVE that pic of you and the raffes. That was one of my instant faves when I first met you. The glee on your face is priceless!!
I also can't take part in the contest. You told me once what the line was and although I don't remember at the moment what it is (I seem to have a bad memory lately), if I remembered I would be cheating some poor soul out of a chance at winning! Something like that anyway lol.
Religion is a smile on a dog??
Love the Giraffes!
I don’t know about a particular line, and am confused about what you mean by “how this song applies to me”. But, like you say, everyone’s fucked up. That initially made me think I could guess by thinking how it applies to me. But it doesn’t apply to me so much. I am indeed, what I am, but I don’t possess the inferred acceptance of self. You are self accepting in such a seemingly easy, unconscious way - the good, the bad and everything else. Even to the extent that you’ve inspired changes in the way I see myself and behave toward myself. My guess – Self acceptance.
I'm off slightly there. I am cool with myself, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to expose certain aspects of who I am to opinion. I find your will to ignore judgemental, embedded societal opinions quite refreshing. You practice what I preach, lol. But I'm not changing my guess from sell acceptance, because really it is an aspect of that.
What I am is what i am.
Are you what you are - or what?
Chuck me in the shallow water before I get too deep
Just an idea.
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