Edmond says hello, and welcome.
My wares are out and my eyes have the twinkle of O.J. when he heard the jury say he'd pulled it off.
A few years back someone hung a very nice skeleton on the tree at work, taped up and in need of repairs. It was brought to me and asked if I was interested in the find. I smoothed my shirt coolly, and replied that yes, I could take a bit of curiousity in a new ward. In befriending this have not, seat belting him in on the drive to his new home, I engaged him in a very exciting conversation of promises that I could make him a star. This year he is in charge of the fog pail. This is a big task for a newcomer.
As I set him out this evening Delilah sauntered from wherever Delilah's come from, and she stared at it (standing 100% still) for a good 5 minutes. I sat down and smoked a full cigarette watching her just stare, trying to understand what the fuck it was. A dog treat? A people treat? Someone DIED oh my god and you didn't tell me! Why are we keeping it? I've never seen her focus quite so hard. But for all I know she just had gas.
Proof she is fascinated, or confused by it, I wrote this whole entry and walked out to find her still gawking at it as though she were at an art gallery and her thesis depended on it.
-of note, adding to her debt of all depts, look to the right of the doorknob. That is her way of expressing she wants us to come in when we enter the driveway, because we often pull in after work and decide naw... let's toture the dog and hit the strip club. I understand she's bored, but so am I all day and I don't deface property. Well, not in obvious ways ahem. It's embarrassing and I make her take her own credit, that shit isn't my fault, bad sadly, my liability.

Here is my table. It's way cute. We don't eat there, simply a eye pleaser and landing spot for bullshit mail and bags and whatever else seems tossable.

Last of news, we bowled tonight. I did great. There was a little girl next to us who couldn't roll down a pin short of walking down to kick it. I sort of hoped she would. We had a understanding about our shoes, I couldnt get the one I wanted (Mr. Morgan told the woman I wore a 7.5 - pardon? I wear a 6.5 but a 7 in bowling shoes for bone toe comfort) and she also couldnt get a proper fit. We both went to settling for velcro versions. Not a lot of talking but understanding nods. I wanted much to go over and help her suck at least a little less than I do, but her parents were pretty harsh on her not bowling to their standards. Lil trooper kept on and said "man, all I get is a zero." Totally cute. Then she politely asked parents for a bite of food after watching us anahilate a full tray of fries and chicken bits, denied. To endear a strange kid to me is momumental. Let alone a little girl, most are so bratty. She made me smile today and that's something to note. At check out I whispered " I blame the shoes." she beamed and said she did too.
SO! everyday for a month I am going to try to post a vid for you all. Don't be bitches and not watch. This is my time, I expect at least effort, and if you lie and say you watch daily..... lie well. Anyone else dressing up?????
Starting easy...... vids get more inviting as we go ghouls and bats. (Watch the groom. he is all about it)
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