Monday, October 08, 2007

Ghost Riders

My sister and neice walked into my office today without notice, but it's always nice to see a friendly face. It's known my neice and I have not forged a manner in which we require eachother. She blinks at me, I blink back and wonder how funny it would be to take a toy and put it out of reach but within her view.

Today I discovered this would be a mistake because she is exibiting signs of being a small me. That means she could break her neck by climbing to get the item. She and my sister walked in, and she came right up to me with open arms. I thought.... who is this child and who bribed her to do this? I leared a moment, squinting and trying to use my mind reading skills, while considering what motives a small DM might have had, but at length moved in for the scoop. My neck was grappled and clenched as though she remembered my refusal to touch her for years because she was born so very small and the idea of my clusmy ass dropping and breaking a baby, was not within the realm of taking a chance. It's best to just nod at an infant. No liability there. Again, I never said I didn't like her, I had no use for her. Bratty and noisy, short of sending her in as a decoy.... no use.

She clang like a monkey in her pretty ribbon embelished crown, and even let me wear it for a little while when she realized I was not a threat to her property. Ah...... the young are all too trusting.

Bosslady was ... who cares, I was having a moment watching a mini-me! Did I used to be this cute? She looks a lot like me when I was young, I suppose it was endearing enough, but I'm not calling off the conditional affections just yet. It's possible someone tipped her off that it's a reasonable investment to be on my good side as having me as an Ount does nothing but pay off.

The purpose of the visit was to peddle some school thing for my nephew and after she was well gone, I thought.... holy shit, did I just spend 18 dollars for 6 hotdogs? In fact I did.

They left... several of the staff looked at me, deciding what level of asshole I was for not adoring the child previously.

"She hasn't been like that before. I think she is a pod creature. Plus she likes Dora, it's proof."

Don't think I didn't notice the muppet on the rafters with a hand down his pants.


"Who's your favorite muppet?"
"I don't know probably Animal" he says.
"Cop out! Everyone picks Animal. Well I like Gonzo. And Grover. Both good fellows."


Todays Movie: Hostel
Plot: Porn and gore. Second viewing for me, on first viewing Mr. Morgan walked in, asked what I was viewing and did the fastest turn I've ever seen him do to flee a room. I had no idea what I was watching.
Rating: Jesus.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thinking that the midgets current alias is Cinderella. she's a doll.


9:51 PM  
Blogger Saffyrre said...

Grover is and always will be my favorite Muppet. I highly recommend "Monster at the End of the Book". It was my favorite book as a child.

As far as the Muppet Show goes, Kermit T. Frog is my favorite. :)

No Hostel for me, I guess I'm getting old because I can't handle blood and gore like I used to. It's why I won't watch any of the Saw movies either.

5:28 PM  

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