Ok ok, sampler.

I have felt better than I do right now. Munching some peanuts who seem very determined to help my stomach stop the riot it's pulling. Granted I'm washing them down with wine, but that's just to test their abilities.
Costume landed. Not exactly what to say about it because I remain on the fence of being happy or realizing I made a grave mistake. I tried it on at work and the girls all agreed I should wear fishnet stockings all the time.
"What like.... because I'm a hooker? I mean... what the fuck..."
"No no, you just have the legs for them."
"Right. Like a fucking hooker. Am I getting this wrong? You could have said like Madonna or Pat Benetar, jesus."
Firstly, I have the legs for nothing but modeling for Miss Anorexic 2007. Nary a leg to me, I was born stringy and have maintained the stringalicious title. Not entirely sure how to take it. Is it animal mineral, vegetable? Compliment, or lack of other words to not hurt my feelings. In the future, as long as you are not a Jeff..... you can tell me balls out truth.
I am however trying to rock this costume, it's just not quite in my comfort zone yet. And my hair wasn't curled. Not sure why, I blame vanity but it's the reason you got nothing yesterday. I worked the photo up and couldn't stop being annoyed that I looked like a mop. Come the Day, I will have a fresh coloring and ringlets. Can click for larger version, as the small one looks as though I'm flexing and that is not the case.

Mr. Morgan got himself lovely and liquored last evening so when I asked if we could do a photo shoot and he said yes.... I all but clicked my hooker heels together with glee. This will help make the video be produced faster by getting shots out of the way early. Much like last year, the costume is stifling and hot, making me sweat like someone who knows they are failing a lie detector test.
I have a bit more news, but enough for now. Here is today's watchable. I know dog costumes went around a bit ago, but there are new ones in the mix. Worth a second watch with music anyway. Happy Hallow 2nd!
ps - Also watching one horror (or so called) film a day as usual. Yesterday was:
Brainscan - Starring Edward Furlong.
Storyline - By involving in this "new game" it rips off StrangeDays in the snuff film genre. He plays the game thinking it's just killing in game until body parts start to appear in his house. Sounds good? Save your cash.
Rating - Meh.
Great gamms; great dogs. It's all good.
Dang, you are smokin! I concur with the fishnet stocking legs, but not hookerish at all (have you actually seen any of those ho bags on HBO's Cathouse? skanky ass!) No, no, more in the sense of Gwen Stefani legs. Way dang hot and meant to dance. Costume is adorable. I'm thinking perhaps you should don makeup like Malcolm McDowell in Clockwork Orange. Hair, perhaps a tight bun in the back for dramatic affect.
Thank you ladies. Oddly MissNev, I find Cathouse an eye-attaching curiousity. Some are a bit trodden, but some are also quite fetching.
The stockings are crazy comfortable, I'll have to look up that look, been way too long since I saw Clockwork. I was more of a Trainspotting and Requiem fan.
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