Melt in your mouth

Good day. Decent. We all ordered in some breakfast meals from a close by greasy spoon that has put a hurt on my stomach and bowels to the extent I felt bad bringing the leftovers home to share with Mr. Morgan and the furbabies. I will try to warn them, but damn if the bacon doesn't seem tempting and delicious in the first hour of consumption. After that it just gets scary.
We have art class at noon tomorrow. I've been saying I'd take the office gang out to some grassy place to draw for a long time. It's completely freestyle, but if someone wanted help to draw a particular item, I can lend a penciled hand in advice. I planned it, then was told it's due to rain. Well of course it would.
So in Nevada Immigration got all bored and has run a mad string of raids on illegal workers. I think all at McDonald's locations all over. This has created somewhat of a border panic type of trot for our less credentially-having locals. Today, at the restaurant of a close latino friend - who works I think - 4 jobs and shit? and is legal, put out the American flag and Mexico flag, to greet the patrons. Well the Mexican flag soared a bit higher and some jerkfuck came and ripped it to shreds. I'm told this is making national news. Our friend didn't even know and wears the same "are you serious" face Mr. Morgan and I are. It's HIS store. He had the American flag out, but apparently it's a slight to our country for him to perform a first ammendment right, even unwittingly. On the Bill Mander show (780 am) the flag tearer called in, proud. Ignorance was bouncing off the walls. Mr. Morgan came home and told me the story, after a shotgun round of playing woman and calling everyone he knew including the store owner, while I chirped in the background, astounded.
"They are calling him a racist? For real? Dude, it's Fernando."
"I know huh!"
"Fucking lame. That guy should be forced to replace his flag, that is his property."
"It's totally ignorant."
"It's illegal. People wanna bitch about illegal(s)... um????"
I think Fernando and I see smiley guy with some ass kicking salsa. This incident is beyond what our country should be focusing on. He's doing everything right, and feeding the people while he does it. Mr. Morgan can't tell me the name, but it's on 4th street in Reno. Eat there and support them, this is stupidity at it's pinnacle.
Todays Movie: Needful Things
Plot: Everything comes at a price, what are you willing to do for yoru needful thing?
Rating: Fabulous. Book was better, but the idea is genius.
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