Thursday, May 27, 2010

It Lives!

I am still here, tardy, but here. True conversation in the last ten minutes.....

From Mr. Morgan: "Suck any dick on the way to work today?"

"I just asked if you had cash in your wallet for gasoline, if I had sucked a dick don't you think I'd have not needed to raid your wallet?"

"No, no I guess not."

/moment later....

"Holy shit, you really ate all this chili? That was like 5 pounds of chili, are you Man vs' Food or what?"

"Well, it was the corn. "

"In what facet?"

"You made just the right amount of corns" (he calls them corns.... and in fairness they are free standing corn so plural is ok).

"I'm calling Man vs. Food, and I am so glad I don't see your shit in the morning."

"Looks just like corn on the cob." without a beat.