Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Arby Infiltration

What can I really say. I don't know if those who help me are impressionable or bored. I can't say I care if the end objective is what I wanted. Anyone who hangs around with me must have a lust for watching the daft, or simple lack of shit to do. Be that.... The DM Army hit our local Arby's.

People were generally cool, but some employees were visibly nervous. I looked to my cameraman and we thought - shit, we could have totally said we were from headquarters checking quality. Many giggles from us. No idea where we'll hit next and while I spearhead this shit and run the game, I couldn't pull it off without the people who actually are drunk enough to say ... uh... ok.... to my proposals. I joke of course, again I have no clue their motivation. My cameraman was promised a free meal, perhaps that was enough to make us look as if Lindsay Lohan was about to pull in, he would leave the booth and say.. No. I need a better angle.

Friends, I tell ya... that's a mother fucker to keep around. Adore his ass. Humpday cheers!

To add---- I must say the best comment, and we got many was "Are you doing this for punishment?" Heh, bless you stranger, and I promise to not wear this shit again is you promise to not wear floral prints in public. It's a trade.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Black Sunday, Shell Shocked

The first thing I heard this morning was "Don't go in there!"

And off we go. May take a few minutes depending on YouTubes mood today. And you definitely need sound. After veiwing my below film (took quite a while) be sure to watch the Pinapple entry, it'll cheer one up after such sad news.

(Hit refresh if it's acting up)


Friday, March 23, 2007


Watch the below video of Steve Irwin with Ross the intern, I guarantee a solid belly laugh. There is not much I can say because I can't chose which one of them I am in love with more, but I'm leaning towards Ross. Have a good Friday.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Rewind Wednesdays

I am trying to post an old blog every wednesday, but ya know... it really COULD be wednesday by my standards. Here's something quite old.

ps - Reality check, oh wait I live in one and don't need to name myself such so to prove it.... hm. Guess what, it's my perogative, make my own decisions, I can do what I wanna do, why can't I live without all the things people say? Suck it love, and give a good listen to lyrics... I rarely don't mean them emphatically. Go ahead and look that up.

Moving on....


Being Married

I suppose this entry’s title is wrongly named, because one doesn’t technically have to be married to go through the ups and downs of it, the license and rings just tend to raise the stakes a bit.

Mr. Morgan and I have been married almost two years now, after a careful courtship where we sniffed each other’s asses and made sure we were not just overwhelmed with wanting to fuck, but actually had a deep affection for another. Turns out we still just want to fuck, but get along pretty well during the times we aren’t naked.

Being married offers a variety of challenges, while presenting the comfort of having a warm body next to you at night, and someone who will forever listen to your bitching because they live there and have no where to run.

I had roommates once, a couple who shared one room and I had the other. I didn’t see the scope of how hard it was to live with another person at that time, mostly because I didn’t give a fuck what they did as long as they stayed out of my cereal and dill pickles.

I married Mr. Troll, and it still didn’t quite occur to me. I tended to just ignore him and do my dog rescue thing. I never cooked, cleaned and rarely fucked anything that didn’t take batteries.

Then I met Mr. Morgan. I turned Betty-Fucking-Crocker overnight. I cooked (just because I didn’t for Mr. Troll does not mean I do not know how, I just generally don’t) I cleaned. I learned to chase his fleeing socks with a giant net and wrestle them into the washing machine. I did all of these things with a sense of pride. I’d say to self “My man worked all day, he deserves a clean home, a hot meal and a sexy bitch for a wife!”

I still think these things, and do those things, but it is funny how the little shit changes. Back when I was new ass to him there was no bickering, he would laugh and find my weird shit endearing. Now it’s grounds to banter back and forth until one or the other snaps and starts a pinching war. This happens frequently, the latest being on the road to Marine World.

Being petty, while one of my biggest faults, is a trait I can’t stand in others. Ah…. The irony.

We were driving along and I saw a lot of something I don’t see often. So I pointed and exclaimed happily:


As if he is unaware I name things whatever I feel like when I see them. I’m not a retard who doesn’t know it’s correct term, thus petty to banter me. I have a stuffed animal at home named Generous, so I’m pretty fucking spontaneous and I like finding words that are more suitable than what they are really called.

“Cotton fucker!”
“Fog bitch!”

/pinching war

“Are you done now?”
“Cotton. Hmph.”
“Jesus…. “
“Can you see through the field of COTTON?”
“Are you driving?”
“Well maybe I should be.”
“And maybe you should shut up too.”
“You wish.”
“D… seriously quit screaming that at every person who goes by talking on a cell phone.”
“They should not be on the phone, or passing in the right hand lane.”
“Are you fucking driving or what?”
“Well maybe I should be.” Slumps into seat and sighs audibly.


“Mother fuck…”
“I couldn’t help it! She was actually DIALING it man. She is selfishly trying to kill us.”
“One more outburst from you….”
“And I can drive?”
“No. One more and you can beg someone to pay for your ticket into marine world.”
“You wouldn’t!”
“Then I’m gonna…. I’m gonna hm, I’ll do something buster!”
“Ok D.”

This continued the entire drive for four long hours.

“Ever wondered what it’s like to be a zebra?”
“Are you talking to hear yourself talk?”


“So what?”
“Ever wondered what it’s like to be a zebra?”
“God help me…”

So run and get your marriage licenses kids!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

F-Bomb District

I just caught a Jeff-ling in my backyard. How many more times can I scream at the top of my lungs that THIS IS NOT FUCKING ACCEPTABLE!

I looked out my window after some strange noises and saw the fence all fucked up, because that's what Jeff's do - Jeff's ruin everything. I got a hammer and some nails because Simon and the Rabbit are the size of chickens and could easilly escape back and forth. I don't want the Rabbbit (Pachito)so went out there, and a fucking child was standing in my backyard looking shocked, caught, but not too sorry.

I am not remotely sorry for cussing. I am not remotely sorry I didn't take the hammer and scare the entire neighborhood with it because I am SICK of this shit. I screamed "what the FUCK are you doing in my yard!"

He was fetching a ball. No.

"You come to my front door, you never ever ever EVER enter my property, if my dogs bite then they are in trouble - do you fucking understand me?"



An adult came by then as the child slid back through the fence and offered to help me nail about 30 broken boards they'd busted. I said no but it would be nice to let me know when the fence gets that broken by their ill-behaved, unsupervised children.

I'm still in my work dress and my patience for these people fade by the day. There is a park two blocks down, Go there, use it. My only option is to report it to my landlord, since it's their fence being destroyed, but we try not to get into fights with neighbors.

I am honestly more heated than I've been in a very long time. When they walked into my home and let out my dogs on Halloween I was livid, but second offense disrespecting my space .... fucking lava is rolling out my eyes ears and nose. That is my dog's area, they are justified to bite anything unwelcomed. They wouldn't, but these dumb mother fucking people don't know that, and don't register the risk because both dogs trot by all cute on our walks. Well so do pit bulls with their owners but it's different on their territory.

Holy shit am I beyond pissed, and this is after beating the living hell out of each and every board with nails that lack but they were all I had. I bitched so much in doing so they all went inside for the time being. I don't know if they are back out, I'm blasting the most obnoxious song I can find on cycle in case they are. I'll chill out, but might take me while and there will be no more friendly waves in passing. Fuck you, fuck your bullshit kids, and fuck that stupid nervous Rabbit too!

Advice is appreciated.... when parents won't help, it's a good chance me asking them to help would not be welcomed, and I'm not moving. Maybe I should send my mother over to freak out, always kept us in line.


"If looks could kill they probably will in games without frontiers, and war without tears"

Monday, March 19, 2007

Go next door, we're full on weirdness

Right so… ok we all know I have some eccentricities, but I am not delusional. I am so serious when I say I totally just saw a shadow person jet by my door into Mr. Morgan’s room. I was dancing about and being vain I watch myself in a long mirror to see if I look a goof or sexy. A blur of a thing flew by from the master bedroom to Mr. Morgan’s study.

At first I thought it was a Jeff kid coming into my house again without permission (as I’d been fighting with their lack of playing in a way that doesn’t involve my yard for over an hour), but I still grabbed the only weapon I could find, a big ass box of marbles to slip it up. I was in a hurry after all and I’m not prone to weapon having. I looked cautiously then got the creeps on a level I’ve never creeped before. I think my hair even stood straight up as though drawn by magnet. I am seriously freaked the fuck out by whatever I saw and I don’t want to make sense of it. I shouted “I know you’re in there…..” as if I was some bold warrior.

Mr. Morgan came home and I ran to the door, calmly as possible.

“There’s a shadow person in your room.”
“It’s in there. I saw it go in.”
“Have you been drinking?”
“NO! I saw the fucking thing and it was fast and about this (hand gesture to four feet) tall”
“What did it look like? So I know what to search for” he mocked.
“Asshole, it’s looked like a really fast moving fucking SHADOW!

He doesn’t believe me but I saw something. Maybe I do need my brain checked but I don’t spook easily and every hair on my body went up for ten minutes solid.

Have I finally cracked? Can I name it? Should I tell it to be less darty? Can I blame it for one of the turtles deaths? Way eeped out so that’s it for today. Can’t remember if I ever posted this video of me, but it seems about appropriate today. My antennae are choppin’ sticks with balled up toilet paper on them. No I do not know why I filmed it, been a long time…. I was probably idle, saw some choppin sticks and it went from there. Beware Shadow People and Purple People Eaters!!!!!!!


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Bits and PIECES (giggle, much pun)

Worn fucking out! Yesterday Mr. Morgan on our shopping trip wanted a breakfast cooked for him this morning I was agreeable but started to wonder when the supplies being loaded into the cart would feed a homeless shelter. Turns out the Giraffe Resiliance were to return, both of them although I will never talk bad about one because he's been nothing but respectful, trusting, and sweet to me. I still collected my herd and took them to safety.

This was a no fucking around meal. It was planned around the UNR game (they lost..) and I feared one of them would choke on a bisquit in their anger or glee.

Ingredients (served)
1 dozen eggs with grated cheddar cheese
1 pound bacon
2 pounds Jimmy Dean sausage - later added two bottles milk and flour for gravy.
2 dozen Bisquits
5 slices of wheat toast
3 english muffins

This did not happen Mary Poppins Style, it took me a while. All were gracious enough, but let's not fucking lie - men will eat damn near anything so I don't really know if it sucked or not. I doubt it sucked, my mom taught me how to cook I just rarely employ it.

Earlier yesterday Mr. Morgan asked if I wanted to chose a new wearable from Walmart. What even remotely smacks more of trailer trash redneck than a bitch scrambling to shop for clothing at Walmart? I did and instantly found my bargain sundress. I don't take care of my clothes well enough to shop expensively, and plus lol... I don't really care about dressing on a label's name. I do however take hand-me-downs like the most grateful fiend ever. /cough Prada.... clean out the closet.

Below are some Mr. Safety looks. Second one is damn near gratuitious pener. Love me some nekked man, even if it's forbidden in this house ... though hm.... I see tits on tv all the time. How unfair, wait no, those are nice too.

Gotta love this dog.....

Mr. Safety ... um... promoting animal safety nekked. Thank you sir. You all can thank me for the tids I find to bring you. Don't forget to see St. Pats below if you didn't.


Friday, March 16, 2007

Saint Pats.

Even though I feel like absolute hell I rolled into work because I'd planned gifts and that fucking lephrcaun costume for over a month. Bossloady was fast to point out that my face was as green as my outfit but I didn't have the energy to stab her in the eye. I later realized it was a quite accurate observation. I look like the shit I feel. I then wanted to stab myself in the eye to never see such plague looking back at me in a mirror.

There were a few times I thought holy shit... a lephrechaun! Oh wait, that's just me. Being sick will truly give you a free high.

But my vanity must be afforded and because I did haul myself in and wore that silly ass shit, I made the weekly slideshow for you all. Have a good one....


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bag o' Beans

One down. I finally fessed up to my mother about my death sentence.

I had written her one of the shittiest emails ever, conveying that I was not remotely ok with how often she bothered to bother with me. Yes, I dropped f-bombs. I can't say I feel bad for that because fuck if it didn't get me a fast response, but I might not have said ...

"Plus not to be a dick... but the I care factor isn't too difficult. I came over for your birthday and spent a while because I adore you, I got a two second call on mine. Everyone fucked me off this birthday, and that is really ok, but none of my calls are ever returned.

I'm chill to not say whats up with me - but here ya go, I was told I will be dead in 4 years. Wanna give some extra effort now?"

There was more, but shit, why go on. We emailed a back and forth a bit tonight, which is weird because she lives like a mile from me. Fucking computer age, scary times when my mom can not only operate a computer but get all over email.

Her mom died when she was 11 or 13 (never recall which, bad) from liver failure. When I told her the things wrong she wrote back:

"besides that we will just get you a transplant. They have been doing this for years. Let me know when you want me to find you one."

Ever had a better hitter on your team? She's ready to go out and club a local transient for me, that is some serious dedication. I'm laughing at what she said because, aer organs just laying around? Should I send her into the populous with a knife? She is adorable and I love my mother very very much. Knowing alone that she didn't murder me growing up, and I needed some murdering, is grand on it's own, but the organ scalping has definitely upped her status.

That said, I have another FUCKING cold, all the Morgan's have it and scowl at eachother in the hallway, passing like cats with their back fur up and lips curled, backs to each side of the corridor and careful not to touch lest a brawl ensue.

Love all you fuckers who have given me support. Enjoy the classic below.


I don't need you to worry for me, 'cause I'm alright.....

Sunday, March 11, 2007

White boys can't jump.... safely.

On friday Mr. Morgan invited 3 guests over for tv/gaming/drinking/gorging fun. I normally vanish when these events happen because it's not entirely fucking OBVIOUS you are not wanted when walking down the hallway it's loud laughing, belching etc. and once people see your face it goes pin drop quiet worse than children hiding a puppy.

Not to say Mr. Morgan ever doesn't want me around, but it's boy-time and I don't really want to be around.

I woke up the following morning and he was perched on the bed staring at me. Have you ever woken up to find someone just staring right at you? I jumped, startled.

"Ok so I don't remember, but I've broken something." he says, cradling his right paw.

I got up to survey the house damage and it was nothing short of a frat party form of impressive. I did not get angry, because ... I don't entirely know why it doesn't anger me, I'm just not that sort of wife. I can with certainty say it annoyed me and I'll tell you why.

There is something about ONE particular wall that when inebriated and with his friends, that Mr. Morgan picks on. Same wall, all the time. Case in point.

This was purchased..........

To hide this......

I continued my rounds of yawning myself awake and checking out how much of my shit was broken. A giraffe was broken. Now THAT yes does piss me off and someone is going to write me a fucking check RAY, because it cannot be replaced and was a gift from my mother. Unless of course you want me to keep your IPOD (and I thought about it, you didnt even know you'd lost it), the only alternative is letting me come to your house and smash up your shit. I draw the line at my raffes. Poor form chap.

So then.... the wall continues. I see this, and understand why Mr. Morgan is frowning. He thought he'd morphed into Superman and could punch through anything. I have no idea how to hide this as it is the FIRST thing you see walking into my home.

This is my best shot, and Mr. Morgan helped me in a humble way. Again, I'm not mad .. just why the fuck can't you pick a wall the landlord won't see when we need repairs? Ghetto ass shit.
He was still whining about his hand, and Mr. Morgan is not a whiner. I told him to let me look and I instantly knew he'd broken it. In more than one place. I calmly rose my brow.

"What happened." It was said as a statement, not remotely a question.
"I don't remember... we went to the school to play basketball."
"Nothing good ever comes of you going to that school" as he'd fucked himself up before doing the exact same fucking thing.

He fucked around about going to the doctor for two days and this morning he said he should go. The first photo is the doctors analysis (as I see it, because yes I was there.... digging in drawers and already plotting up how I planned to fiddle with his xray copies)

This is the wife analysis.

He has to see an specialist and is wearing a splint that he hates and resents. "Cant row, can't play xbox." in a huff and pouts.

He also saw me with those xrays and frowned.

"Why are you going to post that. You know my sister will see it, tell my mom and man...."
"Because my love, that's what I do. I write."


Thursday, March 08, 2007


Ever just walk into a room and smell it? Just know in your bones a snitch has stretched it's snitchy neck? You can simply tell someone been up to something?

I'm not going to out anything I'm not sure of, but I am also not stupid and can tell instantly when my husband lies to me, and if he's not lying about something he heard then he's just hiding a skydiving trip. Or a stripper. In the closet. Wearing my shit and holding my dog.

His lying efficiency is about as good as mine, lots of discussion changes... vague answers. I'm going to think on this, and some other things but hope much that I'm wrong and my trust in things remain intact.


ps - if aren't already, peel em off ladies...... its commando time.

double ps - Thanks to my father for the card and money. I like money. I also have a birthday each year.... novelty.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

More than planned.

Comments will be deleted. I am not privy to open discussion and it has been and had better STAY well hidden from those who do not read here. I will address it when and if it becomes prudent.

I've been being tested for leukemia and lupus. I've been sick for a while and I thought my weight loss was a diet thing, but looking at my lab results (yes I get them for myself... who waits on a doctor) I see a serious amount of startling things. By the time I was home my doctor had phoned, and I made the below because.... I had no recourse and very idle hands. May as well just have said it here before, and I want the MOST respect of my privacy in this. To mention it at all is more a facet of knowing what I was being checked for, for a very long time and not wanting anyone to freak... but fuck if I might not myself to hold it in anymore.


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Free Balling....... Revisited.

I can't type very well tonight as I had to go back for more blood. I suppose I looked as though I had too much. It's not a big deal I just can't bend my arm so I resemble frankstein with my arms straight out plotting this out for you. They wrapped me up in one of those self stick ace bandage looking jobs because I'm bleeding funny, but I keep snapping it and fiddling like it is the medical version of a happy meal toy.

March 9th brings the Second Annual Morgan Commando Celebration. As I am not in well form to praddle on, I shall post 2005. I expect FULL celebration this year fuckers. It's lengthy, but what fun is "yeah so I flashed my pussy." in comparison. I'd forgotten about the shot potion by the way, so SEE even a year back I demanded my red crayon bandaid. -DM

Buffin' Flashin' - March 9 2005

Don’t get your panties in a bunch but March 9 has just been declared “Go Commando Day” and Americans are being asked not to wear underwear on that day.

Well alrighty! I find this very intriguing. Who needs bullshit like valentines day when once a year you can secretly say fuck you to the underwear drawer and run about knowing you have a dirty little secret under your skirt.

I intend to participate. Not that I’m not known to go commando time to time (although officially outlawed by Mr. Morgan) there is something about it being declared “Go Commando Day” that just makes my mind tick. When I pass people that day, will the other commandos exchange a knowing nod? A smirk of silently understood brethren?

Most of the people I see on a daily basis at the post office alone makes me hope and pray they were not told about Commando Day because the thought of an 80 year old ball sack swinging in the wind is so-not-hawt.

At any rate, word of the day is definitely free buffin’……. that my friends is a four star word baby!

Get your ow n diary at!contact meolder entriesnewest entry

2005-03-09 - 1:28 p.m.

Buffin Flashin’ - Part 2

No Annual Commando Day comes without consequences.

I averted certain pregnancy today. It’s a good thing. No it does not mean I slapped the peter of a fellow Commando Day celebrator.

It means my every-three-month-shot-in-the ass was due and as of yesterday it was stated by Mr. Morgan that it could not be afforded. Um….. yeah. Like a screaming 9 pound ball of vomit and shit is?

I wasn’t sure how I was going to get the money, and I plotted on it all afternoon yesterday knowing good and well that I WAS going to get the money AND said shot in the ass no matter what. Mr. Morgan at the time of previous discussion had simply said “We just won’t fuck.” What a perfect solution no?


Men, I am aware of how very dense you are in the area of birth control. All women come to know this at a very young age when we hear you say “Don’t worry…. I’ll put out.” We learn how completely uneducated you are to the female reproductive system right after the above quote, when you slop your cock around our thighs and say “I can’t find it.” Yes, I mean you.

So the idea that just not having sex would fix everything is fucking retarded. Sorry.

Here’s the reality.

When a woman on depo-provera shot (oddly the same medication used to sterile male rapists in other countries) misses a shot, her doctor doesn’t just shrug and say “Oh that’s ok D, just come in when you can and we’ll fix you up.”

Negative. Said woman will spend two weeks taking blood pregnancy tests, whether she fucks or not. Mr. Morgan does not understand this. He also does not understand the nature of the rapist shot. It stops a woman’s period! Wooooo, that is all he knows about it. His wife doesn’t bleed or bitch and eat chocolate and cry once a month. Any info on it after that fell on deaf ears.

Ok I bitch. But I don’t bleed or eat chocolate. I occasionally cry, but almost always for the most stupid fucking reasons, like Old Yeller and that scene in Fiddler on the Roof when Havele (say it Ha-Va-Lay) begs “Papa… accept us!” and Tevia just ain’t havin’ it. I cry every time and sometimes rewind it to cry some more. Women can be stupid like that, it’s good fun.

Anyway…. I got the money by beating the shit out of an old lady leaving the grocery store. I also took her food stamps and that blueing hair dye shit old women pour over themselves as if to say “I’m not grey! I’m blue!”

I lie. Mr. Morgan came home with a fistful of cash that he put into my palm so fast I just KNOW he ran into a herd of little kids at work. A few minutes of:

“Mommny can I have that?’
“Because I said.”
“ But whhhhhhhhhy!”
“You already have one.”
“But I gave it to Jimmy.”
“That’s what you get.”

/starts crying and wailing, then begins that little kid talk that in type sounds like a sentence but in reality is a string of words a kid says at mach one without breathing “But he said if I didn’t give it to him he’d come over and steal all my GI Joes and melt them into candles and sell them on the schoolyard for a nickel each then buy bubble gum and chew it in front of meeeeeeee!”

I really laugh about this because while the above didn’t happen… the look on Mr. Morgan’s face clearly indicated he’d seen a bratty child, and that the birth control his wife was frantic over suddenly became much more important.

This morning I pick up my shot from the pharmacy, and get it for even six bucks cheaper than last time.

I take the little vile of goodness to my doctors office to pay a nurse to needle me. I waited about 25 minutes, but I was groovy because they had a Dr. Seuss book. I like the pointless rhymes of Dr. Seuss. Don’t think I wasn’t aware of the “used and touched” book factor I mentioned earlier about books, I was very much aware that in a gyno office touching a book like that was about the same as licking a herpe. But I washed my hands in their drinking fountain a couple of times much to the dirty looks of the nurses.

I was happily reading my green eggs and ham or whatever happy tale it was when I heard my name.


I closed the book cheerfully and grabbed my bag when I noticed….

“You aren’t Tyra.”

The strange nurse gave me a surprised look. I mean, shit I hadn’t intended to sound so dickish, it just happened.

“No, I’m not.”
“Well where is Tyra.”
“She’s not here.”

At that point my dick factor grew and I waved her off with a hand gesture and went walking back to the room for my no-baby needle. As I walked I mumbled some shit that was totally uncalled for but to me, the whole missing Tyra thing was uncalled for. Tyra knows I need her, she knows that the last time some strange nurse put a needle in my ass I couldn’t sit for two weeks. Tyra, failed me. Hag.

I didn’t feel like talking or being nice (not that I had been) so I just dropped my skirt, bent over the table and drummed my fingers like a fucking bitch while I waited. I did however tell her I hadn’t intended to sound mean, but that I’m a habit person and changes in my regular scope of expectations make for blunt, uncensored remarks.

It might have occurred to me, that much like you don’t insult your waiter until you have the food, that it was imprudent to be rude to a woman with a 6 inch needle. I don’t always have that sort of foresight.

Shot went fine, although I didn’t get my red crayola crayon bandaid that Tyra always gives me. Instead I got some stupid boring round thing that I peeled off right away. When I get the crayon one I wear it until the adhesive falls off in the shower after a week or so.

I am a child and on more than one occasion I’ve said “Wanna see my bandaid?” while already grabbing at my pants as if I was ten years old and about to compare knee scabs with another kid.

I was about to get into my car when I remembered how tender 150mL in the upper ass is. I gingerly sat down and swung around, legs agape when I realized two things:

1. Someone pulling into the parking spot next to me.
2. Commando Day.

The man’s jaw dropped and it took a minute for me to get full concept of what he saw and why his movements had instantly frozen.

I’m sure he has something to share with the boys at the bar tonight.


Sunday, March 04, 2007


I need to hop. Some people drink, do coke, jerk off, I don't know.... I hop when upset. In case anyone thinks I am full of shit, I'm sure my office mates will gladly attend that I am a regular hopper. And WHO doesn't like REM.

That done. I had ... ok wait. Mr. Morgan bought the turtles goldfish flakes. I asked if we were getting another fucking animal, he said no, that he thought the turtles would like them. FYI - they don't like anything except despondency.

So we went to sup tonight with my in-laws.... I meant to bring my camera, and draw red horns and shit on the photo of my step mother in law, but I faltered and forgot the camera. Good meal and she pointed out that she wasn't bitching .. as though someone had mentioned it. Hm.

Them came talk of animals and the turtles were mentioned, and I indocated they were stressing me with their constant misery, she said to give them back to Prada. That's when the entire table went to to life and said "are you fucking nuts? she'll flush them." Well I didn't believe it. I was given story after story about how Prada has a distinct hatred for animals. I've always known she had her opinions in order, but never thought she hated all creatures non-bipod. Quite interesting, and Prada you may defend or not.

It was actually a decent meal, Mr. Morgan looked remarkable, and I can't say that I don't adore his father who claimed to feeling very good after his lung cancer scare. I have photos for later, it's just too late tonight.

Happy Sunday.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned

I honestly could never explain to anyone how I manage to be the biggest fuck up on earth in the most unintentional of ways. Yet, I manage to hold my title quite soundly. It’s best to just get the first part over with.

I broke a turtle. Tardy took the hit.

Mother fucking turtles!!!! At one time I’d asked, no… even begged Mr. Morgan for a turtle and now look, I have gone and broke one.

I came home yesterday and Tardy had beached himself on the basking station. Five hours later he was still just sitting there looking really dry, too dry. Far dryer than I thought a turtle should be looking. Ok… don’t call Peta, they’ll revoke my card.

Why Tardy chose to beach himself I don’t know, I thought I was helping so I lifted him into the water but he’d beached for so long that he’d fused one foot to the plastic and a few toes came off. It happened very fast. I didn’t rip him off like a waxing party, I didn’t even know he was attached until….. well until he wasn’t anymore.

For the rest of the night he was a tripod. Tardy the Tripod Turtle. I confessed the incident to Mr. Morgan and he looked at me as though he might vomit.

“What is wrong with you?”
“I didn’t MEAN to!”
“You are seriously disgusting. Is he dead?”
“No. Just hiding that leg.”

Fuck guys, should I just put poison in the ant farm, flush the turtles and starve the dogs? Right so there’s that.

I won’t really go into specifics on my illnesses but I can say what happened at the appointments. In case those who aren’t related or know me in person – no I do not have AIDS. To be honest though, how I skirted it is indeed lucky, so in that aspect I can never truly say I didn’t hit the lottery.

I go to the doctor that I do because he is very busy writing while I talk, unlike my gynecologist who likes to discuss where I am going on vacation while he is knuckle deep feeling up an ovary. I like them both, but I have at present about 6 different doctors I see. This, combined with a known medical background and a history of insane hypochondria, makes for a very demanding patient.

My nerves have been in control for the most part quite some time but there was a spell when I was in my GP’s office twice a week for some pain that frightened me. I had no problem walking in and without a hello saying “I need an MRI, CT scan, full comp. blood panel with differential, and a chest ray.” /shifts on the seat expectantly.

You can imagine how a doctor will look at you for this behavior.

Yesterday wasn’t entirely different, I just had not seen this doctor for some time and when I began the questioning of why not this test, or that one, I saw the spark in his eye come to life “Oh fuck, it’s THIS crazy bitch again!”

But I wasn’t wrong. He took a look at my hands and baffle came over him. He said he was not qualified to treat me. I appreciated the honesty but I was not going to leave empty handed (pun!) so said what tests I wanted. On one test he said “Oh, yeah that’s a good idea.”


Impossible to explain the look that got him but an eyebrow went up with half humor half, jesus christ... where is that license.

Next appointment, the 3 month shot in the ass. I knew my regular nurse wouldn’t be there. As I sat waiting one very very pregnant girl looked over at another (not together) and asked how far along she was.

My eyes instantly lifted from the magazine. That’s a serious …. Just wow thing to say to a stranger in a gyno office.

The girl shot her head left so fast with a glare that would make Satan pay alimony. “I don’t know, I just got knocked up and found out yesterday.”

I was giggling in my chair, couldn’t help it and started making a couple bop sounds (think Donkey in Shrek 2)

My turn for the needle and I told the nurse that because she wasn’t my normal nurse I needed a snoopy bandaid. I also mentioned that I ALWAYS get the red crayola crayon from my nurse, but it would be like cheating, so snoopy would due. She left me in a huff, white pasty ass hanging out in a lean over to fetch my snoopy.

On the way out a girl much younger than I with a little boy perhaps 4 years old was heading out, she was on the phone but bitching at him to HURRY UP! Laughing more at the entire dynamics of that building, I said “Yeah little man pick up the pace” – nicely of course. She turned to me and said kids never listen anyway.

Well. Little man got to pace picking so much that he fell face first and motion-motivated enough to summersault. He popped right up, undaunted, she finished her call and THEN asked if he was ok.

I patted my Snoopy.