Monday, March 31, 2008

Tooth Fairy

I saw the... or A .... dentist today, it's not like we are old friends, he was the first one in the book to say emergency visits were welcome. Of course they are! $$$

Not entirely sure how to say it, but I got the same vibe from him as I did from the East Indian boss I once unfortunately inherited after my much loved boss retired. That boss loathed everything about me. When I was showing my new belly piercing to others (I've had it many years so it's been that long ago) he all but threw a tantrum for showing flesh. We all literally watched him controlling his quite clear disgust.

Digressing, but this dentist gave me a sentiment that reminded me of the man who hated me for no reason. He did however make constant eye contact, something that boss never did.

I remain in grotesque pain. I was informed that the first root canal was done improper, and when asked who had done it he took a note. Did I get someone in trouble? My options are 1300 for a re-root canal, or 88 to extract it. I simply said that I was unable to discuss finances until my pain and swelling goes away. He understood.

I have precriptions for some pretty heavy shit, and only plan to use the anitbiotics (shakes a fist in anger, pills? no no no) but will cash in on the vicodin for a just in case situation. Lol, when I told my mother once that doctors often try to give my pain pills and valium she lost her mind that I typically said no.

"Are you insane!!! Get the blue ones, those are best!" Meaning she wanted me to fist her the good stuff since I was wasting it.

All for today, slept most the day and still feel tired. Hoping that's just a reaction from stress.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ass to Mouth

It's my own fault, but I think I have a tooth abcess. I'm praying to the Motrin Gods that it just got pissed and will settle down on it's own. Either way, it's very creepy to have something in head swelling and bitching. I'm going to bribe a dentist tomorrow if I have to should it continue.

From ass to mouth I am just gross. The tooth flared up on me late into the work week, around the time I found an ingrown ..... /ahem, down there, and by fucking with it to try and get it gone.... it's turned into something the size of a golf ball in half all around my exit area.

Luck is just kissing me this week. I can't really eat, lest annoy my mouth.... or take a shit, lest annoy my asshole. Interesting. I can't decide what's worse, the gasp when a dentist opens my mouth, or having to show my ass lump to a doctor. I don't have green teeth, but I certainly have teeth that clearly show signs of fillings after fillings and I'm missing two because I could not afford to save them. The one I'm losing now has 2,500 into it by way of root canal and.. whatever else they do. Reminds me why I'm not sorry for swiping that mouth mirror!

I admit it's my fault for the condition of my teeth and also remind myself that it's it's stupid be be embarrassed to open my mouth for someone to tell me exactly how fucked I am.

I am a cash cow - I should be walking into that office with a wide open jaw, checkbook in my hand and a thank you letter from his kid for tutition that semester.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hit it.

For those who haven't seen the Daily Coyote Blog.... google that shit. This lady found a baby Ky-yote at... I think ten days or so old? Brought it home and .... hello Charlie.

I am all about Charlie and wore my recently purchased shirt from the site with much pride. Bloggers are thick as thieves, in their own weird little ways. Careful, we might take over the world. But then hell, what would we do with it now that it's fucking wrecked?

An another note....

Sally Kern is .... something of a bother to me. I'm aware of our current administration, but her choice of words, being AGENDA very bothers me.

"I was speaking to a group of Republicans; grassroots Republicans," Kern explained of the original speech, which gained worldwide attention after posted on the Internet by the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, "and I was talking about the homosexual agenda, and how they are out there putting forth--funding very heavily--homosexual and pro-homosexual candidates to run against, and defeat, conservatives across the nation.

"I did talk about what I believe...scientific evidence, health evidence...proves that the homosexual lifestyle is a dangerous lifestyle. And, yes, I did compare it to being more dangerous than terrorism. And my point in doing that, gentlemen, was this: Everybody knows terrorism destroys and tears down, and that was the only analogy I was making is that the homosexual agenda, this lifestyle which is so destructive to individuals, is at the heart trying to tear down what is the bedrock foundation of our society, which is the family and traditional marriage."

They have an agenda? No shit? Why wasn't I solicited? Right I like penis, so I'm ok to her. I still want my flyer and sign up form. Fuck you Sally. The "foundation of our society" is that we as people change society, and that's what SOCIETY is. Hi? Bring your closed minded ass out west, I'd be happy to hand it you. Mind your own fucking bed.

If you missed it, Ellen G called her office.... shock no answer. Go Ellen! Love that woman. Let's all go to sleep "traditional" and not have agendas. Dick.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

The General

Because I feel strongly about it. See below for the best Easter entry ever!


The Bunny Awards

Meet my bunnies. Much late night crafting went into packs and baskets for these bunnies! (don't skip the end section..... Oh My God)

Best Hopping Bunny. (or the only one who even attempted a bunny hop, but there were plenty of tips on how best to do it. My feet only know one way to hop while remaining upright).

One Eyed Bunny. This bunny is not to be played with. Best to watch from a distance or pokeit with a stick, prepared to run because this bunny gives chase. Not as fast as the Best Hopping bunny though, that bunny is skilled in knowing she is the underdog in a fight, a fast flee is her best friend.

Got the Bad Ear Bunny. I hadn't noticed until uploading this photo, but one of the packs had an ear that looked like Kylee had been at it, so I trimmed it up.

Dru-Down Bunny. I don't know those hand signals but I hope it means Happy Easter.

Warcraft Bunny. Enough said.

Pickle Bunny!

Thieving Bunny! No, I didn't pose this shot other than putting the basket next to her. She took off, as usual, to hide it somewhere for later.

Then it happened. The promised gift I've heard about for weeks.

We drove into town and met Mr. Morgan's mom for the trade off and her eyes were positively gleaming. I'd been told it was a large item but no one would take her thunder and spill the beans on what it was. This made her eyes shine brighter.

All I knew is that it was an item from the home of a lady who she'd cared for in her last days, and she managed to get it for me after the lady passed. I presumed it was furniture, but still grateful to be thought of at all.

Wasn't Furniture.

Solid brass. Worth like.... a LOT, even though she is going fucking no where. I began to well up at the house of the lady who'd owned it and learned a great deal of it's making and it's personal worth to the departed. I am genuinely honored, grateful, shocked, and lacking the words I should have, that go above thank you. I suppose I find it humbling when I own things that belonged people passed on, I remember being elated to have my Grandmother's china left to me, but it was also a gift that made me think a lot and be grateful that I will care for those items, and it's likely what the person wanted instead of it going to a junkyard. One of her children said to melt the giraffe and sell it. I gasped. Then gasped again.

Click to enlarge, she is stunning and hard to see in the small format. And lol yes, when enlarging these..... yes I have quite a few long necks in the living room.

My mother in law beamed. And I really mean BEAMED. This after I called her dog fat.... but he is lol. I don't love him less, but he's fat and she proclaimed in his defense that he'd dropped a pound. Where? Poor little fat Toby.

So that's my weekend, not a bad score huh? Tell me about yours.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Saddle up

I saw a new doctor, kind of.... on Monday. I was hopeful! Didn't go well and they didn't hit it off with me.

Staff was lovely, the PA was not and was a bit grilling. I'm not going to note everything that put me off but one was:

"You weigh 102..... do you not eat?"

Just fucking ask if I have an eating disorder. Don't be like that. I can quickly answer that no, I do not, I'm thin with a thyroid fuck up and I eat until full, bringing me to being a bit thin.... I AM aware of it.

I'm touchy about my weight because I know I'd be happier at about 110, but I'm taking my vitamins, and eating after six pm (which not doing is the fastest way to cut your weight). Having worked in medicine I would have said "Have you noticed dramatic weight loss?" But no.... I just don't eat. Okay.

And I paid 40 dollars for that.

They called today to schedule a thyroid ultrasound and I appalud myself at not bullshitting. I said I wasn't happy with how it went and didn't want that next step. Also mentioning my thyroid is not of concern, my hands and RA are. Later for thyroid.

They had by then hooked me up, naked to a EKG... for what? Well my pulse was high. Duh, I'm in a doctor's office and I'm a fucking hypochondriac. This was of course after the eyes lit up for "do you have insurance?"


It was completely unnecessary. Nice to have I guess, but a complete waste of cash, because guess what it said? OMG your pulse is fast. Fucks sake.

All I have lately. Miss Nev, I'll post last's years St. Pats..... I didnt wear it this year after and I'm glad for the embarrassment the doc appt. did to me. It's been year or more since Dunlap did the same, I bucked up and hoped for better. I'm fine dying a cripple.


Sunday, March 16, 2008


We had the puppy play date this weekend, which sent us into a full charge "oh my god clean the house" panic.

I thought on this later in the day, as my muscles ached from .... moving my limbs other than to type. As I thought about it, why do we clean our homes for company? Shouldn't our guests not be lied to and know that we live in a constant state of gross? /if thwy don't like it, they can simply not return. Seems a farce to clean all day, pretend that what they see is normal and yet STILL say "forgive the mess." when it's the cleanest your house has been in months. I found that interesting.

I didn't bother to clean my studio, I shifted boxes. When I visit my in-laws I don't charge into their bedrooms and alike, so why should they need a tour they got a few years ago. It's still the same house, just more stuff and more giraffes. There is no need to show the layout, and more-so, show the layout of our rented home of 5 years. We have no guarantee to keep it, and to their credit.... as I would do..... what does one really say? Oh look! Another room! How proud you must be!

All sillyness.

I have much more to say, but am cooking dinner for Mr. Morgan, which ultimately will end up in the mouth of a dog, preparing my bag for tomorrows doctor appt. and assembling the Leprechaun outfit. Yes I know I look absurd in it, but I paid money to own it and may as well wear the damn thing, even if to make someone laugh and have a story to go home with. "Some people take holidays way too seriously" would be fine by me.

"Want to feed Kylee a chicken wing? It's really funny"
"No, I've seen dogs eat, you didnt let her get the bone did you?"
"No look!" as he proudly hows how good a puppy is at cleaning a chicken wing.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mostly Human Again

Not all that much new to report. There is a strange smell in the house that I've given up on trying to identify. It's been pretty nice to have clean clothes that don't crunch as you walk. Apply the same idea to underwear and you can imagine how grateful our genitals are to the new dryer.

We are considering taking a trip to Vegas to attend the wedding of someone I've never met, and never even knew existed, but Vegas? Sure, I'll tag along. It's not in stone though.

My leg has been bugging me all day, and it's seems swollen in comparison to the other, which set my anxiety into full force. Mr. Morgan and I reached an agreement that I would try to not make him nuts all night by being mental, and that in return he would take me to doctor should it continue.

The weekend can't come fast enough I tell you. I have some things in the hopper, but it's after 8 and I am a baby about my bedtime. Come 6pm I'm in a frantic running of:


1. Set out your clothing for tomorrow
2. Make your lunch and pack it up.
3. Bathe.
4. Try not to fall over a dog in the scramble. Failed.
5. Curse the animal and make it feel stupid.
6. Set alarm clock.
7. Try to find an item for the IPod to fall asleep to.
8. Pace and worry.
9. Resign self to death.
10. Do makeup, ahem.... er effort at such, so one can wake up and be out the door in ten minutes.

It's a busy thing to come home and already prepare for the next day of suck, but it helps me come morning time. I am not the best waker-upper. I blame everyone and everything that I have to be conscious. I also wake up at 3am like clockwork to smoke and think about world peace. Oh, and take the dog out. That alone is a nightmare because she's eaten all my slipper except spongebobs - and those are a game..... not a potty incentive. We walk sluggishly, me dragging a ball of laborador attached to a smiling spongebob slipper into the backyard with a ciggarette dangling from my lip and a husband who thinks smoking at 3am is the most disgusting thing in the world. He is not too wrong, but also is still warm in bed so...

I asked Mr. Morgan if I dare wear The Leprechan on Monday, and he said yes, to let me hair down and fuck it! I was met with YEAH, fuck it! And I pranced to it's place of storage.

More soon. Hit me with comments, I miss knowing what's up with you guys too.


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Be gone!

I duplicated a this post on both blogs because they pretty much go hand in hand, but some slight modifications for the home board readers. But Kylee is growing fast, don't miss a moment, she gets her next measuring today! Google Kylee's Playground or scroll a bit if you lost the link. (There are new photos in this entry that aren't over there).

Mama and kiddles.

SO! Since Kylee is not interesting in being told where to go, and only making the small attempt of getting to the garage, we had to clean it. It really should have never gotten that bad to begin and both of us paused often to wonder where it all came from, as we don't really go out there except as passage to the backyard. Apparently, in some sort of hyptnotised unawareness, we were throwing garbage arbitrarilly while we made that passage.

Before: /embarrassed

After: /glee!

All that remains are my halloween needs and christmas box. While cleaning I not only stepped in Kylee whoops-s, but damned near took a fall slipping on one particular pile of fun. I skid awkwardly for about two feet as though on roller skates. Click to enlage the above and you will see the Kylee Lunge At Simon Game. The look on his face is one he carries most of the day.

End of day we moved out more junk than ever should have been in a house. We unloaded 3 dryers, one treadmill, one dead stair-master, chairs and table from a dining set we haven't used since pre-marriage 5 years ago and about 50 million empty bud-light boxes. Oh and the pool.

Dryer #3 died and this is how we have been drying our clothes:

I have to laugh that Mr. Morgan draped his Bert and Ernie drawers over the bath nozzle that way, but I'm sure it was by chance. And yes, it's filthy, I don't use it so rarely assault it with cleaning supplies.

It all more than filled the truck, and for a mere 11 dollars is out of our lives. I have never felt more wasteful. Humans collect shit, I know it's our nature. We collect it, then rent little storages houses to collect the shit we can't fit because of the other shit. It's interesting, and while I am glad to see our crap gone, it still sort of guilts me because someone is out there burying our greed of items into the planet.

We purchased a shiny new dryer this morning and two full grown people are excited about it and having discussions and bets on how long it will take to fluff a load. This is when you know you have become your parents.


ps - Did I say fluff a load? Lol, niiiiiice.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Maximum Overdrive

Anyone remember that movie? Bosslady's Daughter and I were talking about it earlier today and how back in the day a pubscent Emilio Esteves shaking his arm into the air and screaming WE MADE YOU! was the shit. Ok, I said that much.

Everyone I know is having machine related fuck you's.

1. Bosslady's Daughter work pc, AND car have given her the finger.
2. Our printer managed to snake a cord around his ankle and fall, taking the pc with him. He's like.... 70.
3. Mr. Morgan's computer is riddled with too many viruses to count.
4. I can't use an Ipod for shit.
5. Our copy machine won't copy, with any sort of frequency.
6. My camera coughed out it's battery in god knows where, but at LAST the new one arrived.
6. ..... insert your name here.

The machines are on strike friends. Hide.

Rather amazing how fast we lose our shit when technology bends you over.


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

And down went the Titanic

Mr. Morgan killed another rowing machine and the echos of FUCK scared the puppy into a piss fest in the hallway. It's like someone killed a family member the way he reacts to it. I don't think it's even paid off and he is mad, calling it a piece of shit.

Sorry, but hi, you use it 6 hours a day... don't you think you might have over worked it's lifespan? He's in his room with a screwdriver right now, desparate to fix it because all life stops if he can't exercise for a little while.

I'm just staying away because I don't want the brunt of his anger over, yes, a fucking rowing machine. It's like he'll die if he can't row and that is something I don't understand.

Updated the Kylee site too.


I'm Here!!!

I've lost the battery to my camera, so am tardy on posts and extremely tardy from lack of sleep via puppy. I'll post again soon!