Tuesday, December 23, 2014

For Barrok

Ghosts of dedication past! I remain unclear if it was a facet of time happening or if something else did. Went from Friends Frick and Frack to.... a lonely Frick. I sure hope you are well and Fracking along and it's ok you that you are somebody I used to know, some things are better left poetic and without resolve and explanation, but most certainly we had some laughs and kicked some ass.

For Elsie

You are a treat to my current world. Every day I wonder how close you are to starting a food fight.... and winning, wielding duel spoons with the snarl of a wronged banshee fresh on your lips. "Stand up for your convictions, even you stand alone" You rock baby.

Personal Retrospection is Ok.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

2014 Dedications!!!!

If not listed, try harder next next year. As always my dedications are scrutinizely personal. This dedication is first.... and I need it off my chest. No this is not for Mister DM.