Happy Gobbles - UPDATED with Photos
I went on an interview today.... and ya know, why are all the interviews clad with clipboards and constant scribbling? No one can just talk to me? I spent more time asking about the damn clipboard than the job. I guess I'm not impressionable enough, but I do find that odd. Might not be the impression I aimed for, but no reason to write junk. I mean..... do you know how long I spent pressing these fucking pants just to watch you write shit about me? It's really not a fun game. I have no clue how to guage my performance. I didn't vomit, shit on the carpets or curse, maybe I'm in the running.
As I left the receptionist, easilly 65 of age asked if I was off to cook a turkey. She really was the ideal of all that a receptionist should be. People called asking what the fuck and she politely responded that she would find out, instead of just indicating she'd left her crystal ball of all employee activities at home. I told her I wasn't cooking a turkey, but two little turkeys!
Otherwise known as Game Hens. Some don't like the taste, I don't notice it. A personal turkey to me... is awesome. Fighting for white meat, dark meat, or the wishbone is negated. Personal turkey! Chicken? Some sort of damn flappers that are thawing in my fridge tonight.
I admit that I was supposed to go to Walmart for supplies. I defected. I cant find anything in there but signs in Spanish (learning!) and angry people. Want me to get angry too? Pleasssssse give this bitch a reason to get out of control. That I wake up not hitting the dogs for no good reason is about what I can handle. So a smile and and "excuse me" to avoid a cart fight was not the place I wanted to be. I went to Safeway.
Safeway welcomed me with open pricey arms. Everytime I looked remotely lost an elf in a red Safeway shirt appeared, all but perched on my shoulder to tell me exactly where I should go to get what needed. I almost handed him my list and told him to get to task. I love those Safeway people, but it's too expensive to indulge often with my budget. I actually said to the man "little turkeys" and he said "Follow me." He knew what I wanted even while using DM speach. Didn't even blink, just " this way, isle 7" and he was totally serious about getting me to where I needed to be.
So I have the items, pie is all cooked and the scent wafting around the home. It's not specacular, but it's a decent meal for 4 of us. I did not find marshmellows, as my personal shopper went vacant on me, but I can get by. Will post photos soon. Happy happy for all, even those who annoy you.... just smile. If I can... so can you.
I woke up ready to cook and asked for some help opening the yam can (my hands won't do it you guys... and an automatic can opener is nail on a chalk board to me, and frightening), and also to open the rolls. Rolls in a can that pops on ya also makes me uncomfortable because I don't like the surprise of it. Will it pop? When?
"My game is ending soon."
"It's going to end with or without you there to watch it, so come open this crap for me."
Can't argue with that logic, and he came out to help with the only two requests I had other than a possible third - please do not sample all day. Guess which one he faltered on?
By meal time, he'd eaten half the deviled eggs, some stuffing, a few slices of pie and was caught circling the turkey oven. "But I'm so huuuuuungry!" Sure as shit, he wasn't hungry when I presented the final version of my day long efforts. It's meager, don't laugh. Was more than enough food for two (4) and those mini flappers were more than enough on their own.
Here's me fixings. My flapper is on the left. I know... it looks like it limped off of Chernobyl or was fired from a cannon, shitting it's stuffing as it went. It was the test turkey for doneness, some damage was to be expected. (click to enlarge if want to).

This is what I am thankful for:

Hope you all had a great holiday too.
- DM