A Haunting We Will Go...
Finally! My pumpkin harvest is complete, my cornstalks dried, this house is ready! Most of my setting up (the moving and expensive props) don't go out until tomorrow but the ground work is done even down to having two candy bowls - one for the begging participants, and one for the hosts who withhold the really good candy until the cheaper fare dwindles. Anyone with a separate bowl is bullshitting that they don't eat the candy, it's just for the kids.
As mentioned, this year the dogs demanded to be pirates. Sure, I like pirates too. Come time for fittings, Simon showed up. Early. He'll sit in anything all day patiently waiting for reward. Costumes and hats always = big payoff to my Simple Simon. Kylee.... much more of a fidget. She tries not to be a diva but every now and then she simply "won't stand for this grueling schedule." She still doesn't fully understand that I'm not going to give up and it's going to be a scene if she won't play along. Kylee also made a last ditch effort to change costumes and go as Batman! because her Dad is playing the new Archam City game and says often "It's bat time!" That dog loves her a new fad.
Edmond, you remember Edmond!! Took a chop to the neck over the year. I don't remember how, it was just like that one day so I converted him. The pumpkin is attached so the head moves just like Ed's, and a candle lights up both the Jack and the Hollow Ed.
So here is my video for this year. There is a hidden opinion, potentially political, if you know what it is, I'd like to hear about it. Happy Halloween!
As mentioned, this year the dogs demanded to be pirates. Sure, I like pirates too. Come time for fittings, Simon showed up. Early. He'll sit in anything all day patiently waiting for reward. Costumes and hats always = big payoff to my Simple Simon. Kylee.... much more of a fidget. She tries not to be a diva but every now and then she simply "won't stand for this grueling schedule." She still doesn't fully understand that I'm not going to give up and it's going to be a scene if she won't play along. Kylee also made a last ditch effort to change costumes and go as Batman! because her Dad is playing the new Archam City game and says often "It's bat time!" That dog loves her a new fad.
Edmond, you remember Edmond!! Took a chop to the neck over the year. I don't remember how, it was just like that one day so I converted him. The pumpkin is attached so the head moves just like Ed's, and a candle lights up both the Jack and the Hollow Ed.
So here is my video for this year. There is a hidden opinion, potentially political, if you know what it is, I'd like to hear about it. Happy Halloween!