Mr. Wolford's company party was last night, it's something I actually enjoy. We booked a room at the Adventure Inn - Roman Room (yawn) since it was directly next door to where the restaurant was. To say Mr. Morgan imbibes on this night is an understatement. In fact he woke up this morning.... shoved me awake and said "
why am I so naked?" I considered making up something, but told him the truth. He was passing out in the hot-tub and I had to all but leg push him out, he fell face first into the tile flooring and woke up with a headache he gave a 12 on the scale of 1 to 10. But that was later.
We left the house around 2, it of course was snowing just to make the game more fun, we checked into the hotel, picked up his friend and went on the hunt for his contribution to the gift pool.
Mr. Morgan was offended they were serving salmon at the party, so in protest bought a trout - eyeballs, head, whole nasty thing and put it in a wine bag. I expect as much from him, but felt bad in advance for whoever opened THAT shit.
I don't know who ended up with it our entire table (called the party table) drooled with anticipation. His friends' gift was a full sized framed photo of GW. I think I might have taken the fish over that. Either way, both were genious in gift choices.
The fish, later was stolen back by Mr. Morgan in a fast grab-and-flee, where it was then flopped onto the roof of the restaurant. His friend then tried to get a shoulder carry to get it back and try for a better trout toss. I was inside for most of this, I don't generally get involved in his man-time-antics but I do know that every time my table went empty, ( and they would all get up in droves and just file out) I knew all the boys were outside smoking and getting into trouble. Mr. Morgan draws a crowd in a way that he should be worldwide famous for. It's his night and I enjoy watching him in prime form, and sign some fucking contract to be on my best behavior and not ruin his moment. /laugh, it's not too often I agree to take the back seat to being in the spotlight of mischeif. But I did get in some.
After the party we had friends come back to our hotel room, where within minutes our phone was ringing saying this was not ok. We had not been loud, but because it's a sleaze joint I guess they presumed a porno was being filmed. Mr. Morgan said it was retarded but ok, they were waiting for cabs. All this while I had planned this time to get my Duck Hunt footage. Not five minutes pass and hotel desk is calling again saying they have to wait outside. In five inches of falling snow. Fucking cocks.
Outside are 3 girls across the way on their balcony woofing on a pot pipe so strong I damn near got high in the room itself. This was ok to the hotel. Our friends peacefully joining us for drinks was not. Logic.
I was able to Hunt 3 Ducks before the hotel was calling AGAIN saying the police were coming. What the fuck, so god damned unnecessary.
It was a good time and I even let someone eat off my tray. I kept seeing a fork reaching across and snagging, followed by the sound of happy lip smacking but I didn't stab him in the eye. I guess I really like him because I am a stabber if you go for my tray normally. This will impress Bosslady's Daughter lol. Tray grabber is on the left looking quite like a man who ate all his tray and most of mine. Or dead. Your choice. I smile a lot this weekend, even if I am hungover on a level hospitals would study...... I am grateful to know so many truly cool fucking people, it's been a decent year for that.

Have a lovely evening and see below if you missed Friday.