I think I fast forwarded to the 1:20 mark or so, but DO watch this.... how awesome would it be to see this walking down your street?
My hallow video this year comes out on Wednesday, dopey as usual and smacking of a lonely woman with nothing but victimized dogs.. but I promise, we are ok! Watch above, worth it.
- DM
Mr. Morgan is out to see Paranormal 3 tonight for a belly of poppin' corn and cheap scares. I find myself less and less drawn to horror films in the last few years, I don't have a reason.. although I did see Cabin in the Woods recently and that had some shit I didn't see coming. If you haven't seen it, don't read anymore because I plan to spoil it for you.
The movie is more or less Hunger Games with all the countries playing but horror movie style, so every monster, demon etc. and I DO mean etc., they are all accounted for... are possibilities in the movie. People go out to a cabin and it's a chose your own adventure (I'm summing, it's played out better than I give it credit for here, they do not know they are in a real life and death game), whatever junk they mess with is attached to a baddie and unleashes it. So in the clip below... and I won't tell you what they unleashed... the remaining two find the elevator that spoils the whole ruse, and this elevator takes them through all the "possibilities" they could have encountered. Really decent movie idea, watch the clip below if you plan to skip the show.
Anyone else already bitching that it's cold in the mornings? I seem to be taking it personally this year, yelling at my long sleeved shirts and accusing them of being in on it somehow.
Costumes. I don't remember dressing up, except for the possibility of one of those unisex, felt, pumkpin get-ups that are every inch as itchy as they look and when peppered with a bit of candy induced perspiration, turn into a maddening sandpaper in places that as a kid, you didn't even know yet could get itchy. We also had a strawberry version that must have been garage sale binned at a buck and a half. Part of me thinks my mother may have sewn those things... I must get my ability to build something crazy from a pack of matches and a rubber band.
These are really impressive, and mostly new to me. So what was your favorite costume as a kid?
Big action this year. Bigger than intended but I'll get to it later.
Point of this picture is look, there's no fucking around. That's how Halloween 2012 is going to be. Once I know I have everyone's attention I shall post new haunts... new treats and updates on my plans for this year. So let's kick off, and don't be too shy to ring the door bell and let me know you're game for some spooky fun, chances are you already got a footing-tapping email from me guilting you into the click. Yeah, I'm still not above fishing.....