Styled? No. I'll find a way to make it cute. And yeah, I dress in vest and ties every so often. Ought to see me slam a long black overcoat with a matching hankerchief over it. Strut central!
Bosslady's Daughter was calling me Johnny today (as in Cash) for doing the whole black thing. Moon said I was doing a Harry Potter thing. Gong to both of you, I just wanted to look sharp and flash a little flare. No Haterade because you didn't think to step up first. /grins.
Bosslady herself just said she didn't see where my hair ended and my jacket began. She wasn't terribly off base, and I know it'll lighten up. I'm not positive, but I think it was a half compliment from Bosslady, and if nothing else .. she did pause for a good ten seconds upon arrival to stare at me, head cocked in consideration while I whimpered "It wasn't on purpose!" But she's long given me permission to go pink as the tie in the below photo. She is a hardass sometimes, but doesn't seem to care what horrible things we do to ourselves via tattoo, piercings, haircuts and color. I'd be entertained to watch others make mistakes too.

Today was seriously odd. We arrived at work with no internet or email. Those are the makings for employees to melt down and start eating eachother.
After numerous calls and men tromping through our building, the location of the fuck up was solved. The casino behind us, as they plowed the snow (of the century - yawn) didn't see a 40 foot telephone/electric pole. Maybe they thought it was snow. Boom plow, then oh shit!
Bosslady told me to call the casino and ask to whom to send the bill. /curse! I hate those calls. "Hi yeah, some shit shook out and I'm told you have to pay for it?" Casino engineer was on the property in five minites.
The plow drivers had - and how.... I have no fucking clue, propped it back up like nothing happened in the dark of night and went on their way. I was chilling while this crime scene was figured out, when Bosslady came and asked "Do you have your camera?"
I lept into into the air!
Go go gadget legs! Do I???? Shit it's all but on a hip holster. I followed her to the back of the building, and uh.... no kidding? These people not only knocked down and re-upped (is that a word) giant ass power/phone pole, they used rope and duct tape like no one would notice. I looked at it and took the instructions of what to shoot and where, what angle, what zoom, all the while trying super hard not to burst into laughter. As I took these, and I just put in a couple, the casino engineer was chewing the ass of someone who admitted to the "oops." Chewing is an understatement, he was marinating the ass in A-1 sauce and dousing the bar-b-q with gasoline. I think much of it was because Bosslady was standing there, being... Bosslady and it makes people fall into line. Very odd, but it's the truth.
I am too impressed to say much more. Lmfao... rope and tape???

For real????

Naw, that looks totally NORMAL. Only a foot of snow and ... wow! dry ground ready to grow a flower garden! Geographical anamoly! (smiles to BLD).